
Nalezeno "Proposal": 707

Proposal’s Merger Paves Way for New Bitcoin Lightning Features

A new routing proposal is expected to be merged today into the official “specifications” of lightning, the technology many advocates trumpet as the fix to bitcoin’s long-standing payment problems. Christian Decker, one of the most prolific lightning developers who engineers...

So, You Wanna Submit a Proposal to Speak at an Event

You’ve been scouring the web for upcoming events. You’ve subscribed to Developer Avocados and you’ve bookmarked And now you’ve found a call for proposals (CFP) that you can’t wait to enter. You quickly fill out the online form and your pinky races towards the Enter...

KV Storage

localStorage is... Good! It's an incredibly easy API to use. localStorage.setItem('name', 'Chris'); let name = localStorage.getItem('name'); Bad! Philip Walton explains why: localStorage is a synchronous API that blocks the main thread, and any time you access it you potentially prevent your...

CSS Environment Variables

We were all introduced to the env() function in CSS when all that drama about "The Notch" and the iPhone X was going down. The way that Apple landed on helping us move content away from those "unsafe" areas was to provide us essentially hard-coded variables to use: padding: ...

Responsive images – end of year report

It’s nearly two years since I suggested a <picture> element as a strawman proposal as a way to solve the problem of responsive images, so let’s have a look at how we’re doing.Related Posts:The woes of date inputHTML Developers: Please ConsiderOn HTML belts and ARIA braces (The Default...

Responsive images – end of year report

It’s nearly two years since I suggested a <picture> element as a strawman proposal as a way to solve the problem of responsive images, so let’s have a look at how we’re doing

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