
Nalezeno "office": 762

Microsoft plánuje nové tlačítko Office na klávesnicích. Nahradí Windows

Na klávesnicích (a laptopech) od Microsoftu by se mohlo objevit nové funkční tlačítko, které by vystřídalo pravou klávesu Windows. Jak už nadpis článku napovídá, mohlo by se tu usadit tlačítko Office! Nejednalo by se však o prostou klávesu ke spuštění Office, ale pomocí této klávesy byste v

Another Aspiring Satoshi Copyrights the Bitcoin Whitepaper

The cryptocurrency community got riled up recently over Craig Wright’s U.S. copyright registration of the Bitcoin whitepaper and some of the code from the early software. However, on May 24 the U.S. Copyright Office saw a Bitcoin whitepaper registration by a man named Wei Liu, bringing...

Crypto Assets Outshine Most Traditional Investments in 2019

Last year, cryptocurrency proponents either complained about the low prices or celebrated the fact they could obtain cheaper coins. 2019 has been an entirely different story, however, as digital assets have started to gain significant value in comparison to traditional assets like stocks, oil,...

Telecom Giant AT&T Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments

On May 23, telecom giant AT&T announced that customers can now pay their bills through Bitpay. The firm has become the first major U.S. mobile and landline carrier to accept BCH and BTC for payments. Also Read: US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright’s Bitcoin Registrations...

Front-End Documentation, Style Guides and the Rise of MDX

You can have the best open source project in the world but, if it doesn’t have good documentation, chances are it’ll never take off. In the office, good documentation could save you having to repeatedly answer the same questions. Documentation ensures that people can figure out how things work...

Markets Update: Bulls Show Signs of Exhaustion as Crypto Prices Taper

Cryptocurrency prices have dipped slightly since our last markets update as most digital assets are down between 2-7% over the last 24 hours. Today, on May 23, the market capitalization of the entire cryptoconomy is around $237 billion and the daily global trade volume is roughly $77 billion. Also...

US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright’s Bitcoin Registrations

On May 21, 2019, a press release was sent to a variety of publications that said Craig Wright was granted two U.S. copyrights for the original Bitcoin white paper and version 0.1 of the cryptocurrency’s code. Meanwhile, the U.S. Copyright Office specifically addressed the matter in a press...

IRS Plans to Issue Guidance on Virtual Currency Taxation

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) commissioner Charles Rettig has explained to U.S. representatives that the tax department plans to issue clearer guidance toward cryptocurrency taxation soon. Since 2014, Americans have been asking the tax agency for better clarification in regard to official...

What Does it Mean to Be “Full Stack”?

I was asked this recently by a fellow developer who was at the same web tech conference I was at. This developer had met a lot of new people who literally introduced themselves as full-stack developers sort of the way Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration would on The Office, but it was Tony Frank...

Russian Prosecutors Fail to Block Crypto Website

A court case in Russia has signaled a change in the attitude authorities have towards the cryptocurrency space, at least on first glance. An online portal helping traders find the best exchange options for their digital assets will be allowed to restore normal operations. That’s after...

Černý režim, žblepty a citace podle ISO. Tyto triky pro Word vám chyběly

Microsoft Word patří k nejpoužívanějším programům na světě. Většina uživatelů však zná jen maličký zlomek dostupných funkcí. A to je podle nás škoda. Word totiž obsahuje hodně užitečných nástrojů, o kterých skoro nikdo neví. Připravili jsme přehled triků a zkratek, které vám ušetří čas...

Překvapivě produktivní. Tyto málo známé triky vám ušetří čas ve Wordu

Microsoft Word patří k nejpoužívanějším programům na světě. Většina uživatelů však zná jen maličký zlomek dostupných funkcí. A to je podle nás škoda. Word totiž obsahuje hodně užitečných nástrojů, o kterých skoro nikdo neví. Připravili jsme přehled triků a zkratek, které vám ušetří čas...

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