Trump Pardons War Crimes, Illegal Steam Spending
The White House announced a new round of presidential pardons yesterday, granting clemency to several controversial figures. Among them were the perpetrators of the Nisour Square massacre and Duncan Hunter, a former California congressman who was indicted for illegally using campaign funds...
Změna prezidenta USA na Twitteru: Biden přijde o všechny followery, Trump je po Obamovi zdědil
Výměna vládnoucí administrace USA je vždy velkou a komplikovanou akcí, která zaměstná stovky lidí. Překvapivě s tím ale mají plné ruce práce i sociální sítě. Twitter například musí řešit, jak přesunout účet @POTUS mezi stávající hlavou Bílého domu Donaldem Trumpem a zvoleným prezidentem Joe
Report Claims US President Trump Considering Clemency for Ross Ulbricht
According to two anonymous sources, U.S. President Donald Trump is considering clemency for Ross Ulbricht. White House reporters Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Rawnsley claim sources detailed that Trump “has expressed sympathy” for Ross Ulbricht and his double life sentences. Ross Ulbricht...
Sources claim ‘sympathetic’ Trump is considering pardon for Silk Road founder
Anonymous sources claim that President Trump is sympathetic to the Free Ross campaign and is considering clemency for the Silk Road founder
Crypto players plead presidential pardon case for Ross Ulbricht
Many are calling for Donald Trump to grant clemency to the Silk Road founder before Trump leaves office on Jan. 20
Top US Banking Regulator Reveals Positive Cryptocurrency Regulation Coming in Weeks
The top U.S. banking regulator has confirmed that positive cryptocurrency regulation is coming in a matter of weeks, by the end of the Trump term. “It’s going to work for everybody,” said the regulator, adding that the new regulation will “make it easier for crypto investors...
US Representatives Add Digital Currencies to the 2021 Defense Bill
The United States government is preparing to pass the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the latest bill includes a broad definition of currencies and includes “digital currencies.” However, after more than 50 NDAA bills passed, President Donald Trump plans to veto...
OCC Chief Hints at Coming ‘Good’ Actions on Crypto by End of Trump’s Term
Brooks hinted at a flurry of crypto clarity actions in the next 6 weeks that could drive more institutions into the asset class
A New Crypto Use Case: Betting on an American Nightmare
How people abroad are betting on Trump refusing to leave the White House. Green means the price went up. Red,Continue Reading
The post A New Crypto Use Case: Betting on an American Nightmare appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog
Bitcoin lacks market integrity, says former Trump economic adviser
“For all the reasons it’s a strong developing asset class, it may fail,” said the former Goldman Sachs president
Former Trump Economic Advisor and Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn Warns Bitcoin May Fail
A former top economic advisor to President Donald Trump and president of Goldman Sachs has shared his view about bitcoin. He claims that the cryptocurrency “lacks some of the basic integrity of a real market,” warning that it “may fail.” Gary Cohn Thinks Bitcoin May Fail...
Coinbase CEO: Trump Administration May ‘Rush Out’ Burdensome Crypto Wallet Rules
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong publicly voiced concern that the outgoing Trump Administration may ram through onerous new data-collection requirements for crypto exchanges
Donald Trump přijde o své prezidentské profily na Facebooku a Twitteru, potvrzují sociální sítě
Facebook a Twitter jakožto nejvlivnější sociální sítě, na kterých se prezentuje americký prezident, už potvrdily, že nehledě na to, jak bude spolupracovat současná administrativa Donalda Trumpa, koncem ledna předají přístupy k účtům @POTUS (President of the United States) té
Binance hires Trump lawyer who helped put Gawker Media out of business
Celebrity attorney with extensive Hollywood and political connections will appear in battle with Forbes
New Push for Second Stimulus Checks: Analysts Predict When Another Relief Package Will Pass
Many Americans are in need of second stimulus checks and a new coronavirus relief package. As Congress resumes stimulus negotiations, President Trump has called for a “big and focused” stimulus bill now. Meanwhile, several analysts have predicted when lawmakers will pass the next...
Printing $1.7 Trillion for Climate Change: How Joe Biden’s Administration Aims to Push the ‘Green New Deal’
In 2020, the U.S. Federal Reserve has injected an enormous amount of U.S. dollars to special interests in the banking sector in order to combat the economic effects stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. This week the central bank published its financial stability report and the Fed discussed...
Cointelegraph Consulting: How the US election may impact Bitcoin price
Analysis of past elections on other assets tell a positive story for Bitcoin, with holders already sitting in profit
[aktualita] Trump Američanům zakázal investovat do firem jako China Mobile, nebo China Telecom
Americký prezident, který stále neakceptoval volbu svého nástupce, Joea Bidena, ve čtvrtek v noci podepsal příkaz, který americkým občanům zakazuje investice do společností, u kterých existuje podezření, že spolupracují s čínským vojenským a bezpečnostním aparátem. Informovala o tom agentura...
Trump’s Post-Election Purge Reaches US Cybersecurity Agency
CISA Director Krebs expects to be fired, Reuters reports. Hours earlier, his deputy resigned under pressure
'Aussie Trump' invests in Bitcoin as it's the 'millennial version of gold'
Former Australian politician Cory Bernardi sees the demand for Bitcoin “getting stronger.”