Understanding Web Accessibility Color Contrast Guidelines and Ratios
What should you do when you get a complaint about the color contrast in your web design? It might seem perfectly fine to you because you’re able to read content throughout the site, but to someone else, it might be a totally different experience. How can put yourself in that person’s shoes...
Voluntary Financing: Bitcoin Cash Devs Reveal Noncustodial Funding App Flipstarter
On February 15, a user on the blog site announced the development of a new Bitcoin Cash fundraising project called The developers behind the platform highlighted the recent questions people have been asking about voluntary funding of the Bitcoin Cash commons....
Listen to your web pages
A clever idea from Tom Hicks combining MutationObserver (which can "observe" changes to elements like when their attributes, text, or children change) and the Web Audio API for creating sounds. Plop this code into the console on a page where you'd like to listen to essentially any DOM change...
SFTP & Database Access on
(This is a sponsored post.)
Wait what?
That's right, direct access to the files and data storage that power your site on, just like you have if you self-host a WordPress site. You can read their announcement here. Note this is for Business and eCommerce plans only.
All you have to...
The Case of the Stolen Domain Names
Back in 2011, the domain name for this site,, was stolen. "Domain Hijacking," they call it. It wasn't just this site, but around 12 others in the design and development space. To this day, none of us really know how it happened and who was behind it, although I believe all...
Chytrá žárovka může být vstupní branou malwaru do domácí sítě. Experti upozornili na zranitelnost
Výzkumný tým společnosti Check Point Research odhalil zranitelnosti, které mohly pomoci hackerům v infikování domácích či pracovních sítí ransomwarem či jiným malwarem. Využili k tomu chytré žárovky.
Výzkumný tým se zaměřil na řídící jednotku osvětlení Philips Hue, v níž byly nalezeny
Bitcoin Cash Community Begins Crafting Q&A Stack Exchange Site to Build Knowledge Base
On February 6, Bitcoin Cash supporters were introduced to a new BCH-centric Stack Exchange community called The goal of the Q&A site aims to build a “knowledge center” for Bitcoin Cash developers and individual researchers interested in learning about...
Creating an Editable Webpage With Google Spreadsheets and Tabletop.js
Please raise your hand if you’ve ever faced never-ending content revision requests from your clients. It’s not that the changes themselves are difficult, but wouldn't it be less complicated if clients could just make the revisions themselves? That would save everyone valuable time, and  allow...
How To Create A Headless WordPress Site On The JAMstack
Just this morning, Chris shared a streamlined way to get a static site up and running with Netlify. As it happens, Sarah and I also wrote up a little something that expands that idea where a static site can pull content from WordPress using the REST API.
Using Vue, Nuxt, axios and Netlify, it's...
Possibly The Easiest Way to Run an SSG
"Static Site Generator," that is. We'll get to that in a second.
Netlify is a sponsor of this site (thank you very much), and I see Zach Leatherman has gone to work over there now. Very cool. Zach is the creator of Eleventy, an SSG for Node. One thing of the many notable things about Eleventy...
[článek] Čeští a američtí vědci vytvořili nový materiál pro 5G sítě, může snížit spotřebu a zvýšit výdrž mobilů
[7 minut čtení] Stanislav Kamba z Fyzikálního ústavu Akademie věd ČR přibližuje, co materiál umí a proč do budoucna bude potřeba. K tomu, aby chytré telefony déle vydržely nabité a mobilní 5G sítě spotřebovávaly výrazně méně energie, by do budoucna mohl pomoci nový mikrovlnný materiál, k jehož...
Smaller HTML Payloads with Service Workers
Short story: Philip Walton has a clever idea for using service workers to cache the top and bottom of HTML files, reducing a lot of network weight.
Longer thoughts: When you're building a really simple website, you can get away with literally writing raw HTML. It doesn't take long to need a...
Close to $6k in Bitcoin Cash Tips Paid to Authors Last Week
The blog has been a resource for the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community for a while now but ever since the recent miner funded development proposal, the blogging site has gathered significant traction. For instance, the front page of shows that during the last week, more than $5,730...
Britové se rozhodli: Huawei může dodávat 5G zařízení, do jádra sítě ho ale nepustí
Ve Velké Británii padlo důležité rozhodnutí, které se může stát modelovým řešením i pro další evropské země. Čínská společnost Huawei může dodávat zařízení pro výstavbu 5G sítí operátorům ve Spojeném království, nebude ale vpuštěna do kritických částí sítě, jako je jádro.
Rozhodnutí je výsledkem
[článek] Jaya Baloo (Avast): Nevěřím, že jsme útočníka z naší sítě dostali pryč
[10 minut čtení] Bezpečnostní šéfka Avastu v rozhovoru pro Lupu mluví o útoku z loňského roku, kdy zřejmě Číňané napadli CCleaner. Česká kyberbezpečnostní společnost Avast koncem loňského roku zaznamenala kybernetický útok na populární nástroj CCleaner. Útočníci se skrze něj snažili dostat...
Component-Level CMSs
When a component lives in an environment where the data queries populating it live nearby, there is a pretty direct line between the visual component and the database where that exact content lives. That is opening up doors to site editing experiences that travel that line. We're starting to...
Searching the Jamstack
Here's Raymon Camden on adding site search functionality to a site that is statically hosted. A classic trick! Just shoot 'em to Google and scope the results to your site:
<form action="" method="get"<input type="search" name="q"...
[aktualita] Český Suntel kupuje slovenský Lukromtel, který staví tamní mobilní sítě
Telekomunikační společnost Suntel Group spadající pod investiční skupiny DRFG uskutečnila další akvizici. Tentokrát jde o slovenskou firmu Lukromtel, která se od roku 2002 zaměřuje na výstavbu mobilních či optických datových sítí. Mezi zákazníky má všechny slovenské telekomunikační operátory....
What makes a site JAMstack?
I admit I didn’t know the ins and outs of what the Jamstack is until recently, despite having heard the term so frequently. I think I’m not alone in this. It’s an elusive term — how is it different from what came before, especially considering it shares so many similarities? Thankfully, Divya...
Eleventy Love
Been seeing a lot of Eleventy action lately. It's a smaller player in the world of static site generators, but I think it's got huge potential because of how simple it is, yet does about anything you'd need it to do. It's Just JavaScript™.
Jason Lengstorf and Zach Leatherman did a Learn...