Shoelace 2.0: A Forward-thinking Library of Web Components
A few years ago, I released a lightweight alternative to Bootstrap affectionately named Shoelace. Shoelace was small and fast because of its minimal design and pure CSS approach to styling. It used CSS custom properties extensively to enable customizations, even when loaded via CDN — something...
How to Detect the Default Branch in a git Repository
Over the past few years, many engineering teams have switched their default git branch name from master to a different, potentially less offensive term. I’m all for choosing to name your default branch whatever you’d like, but not having a universal default branch name can complicate...
How to Create an Async Function
One thing I love about JavaScript is that there are many ways to accomplish the same task, one such example being creating functions. There are several patterns for functions; one of the last you see used is the new Function method: /* new Function(arg1, arg2 (...), body) */ const myFunction =...
Řidič Tesly za jízdy spal, jeho auto uhánělo po dálnici rychlostí 150 km/h. Čeká ho soudní proces
9. července tohoto roku obdržela kanadská policie stížnost na nebezpečnou jízdu na dálnici číslo 2 poblíž obce Ponoka v provincii Alberta. Vyslala na místo hlídku, která zachytila Teslu Model S, jejíž řidič za volantem tvrdě spal a měl sklopenou sedačku, zatímco vůz jel v autonomním režimu,
Vital Web Performance
I hate slow websites. They are annoying to use and frustrating to work on. But what does it mean to be “slow”? It used to be waiting for document load. Then waiting for page ready. But with so many asynchronous patterns in use today, how do we even define what “slow” is? The W3C has […]
Remove the Search Input Clear(x) Icon
I really appreciate the amount of different <input> elements we’ve received over the past decade. These elements don’t just bring a new semantic advantage, but also provide UI helpers, which in many cases are useful. In a recent case, I found a UI element not useful: the x (clear)...
Aston Martin nabízí automobilový simulátor, který vás zabaví během pandemie. Stojí jak opravdové auto
Britská automobilka Aston Martin představila jeden z nejmodernějších závodních simulátorů. Jmenuje se ARM-CO1 a je reakcí na rostoucí zájem o elektronické závodění - to v mnoha disciplínách nahradilo reálné závody, jež byly zrušeny z důvodu pandemie onemocnění COVID-19.
Luxusní simulátor
Podnikavá Američanka získala směnným obchodem za obyčejnou vlásenku auto
Podnikavá Američanka získala směnným obchodem za obyčejnou vlásenku auto
content-visibility: the new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance
Una Kravets and Vladimir Levin:
[…] you can use another CSS property called content-visibility to apply the needed containment automatically. content-visibility ensures that you get the largest performance gains the browser can provide with minimal effort from you as...
5 Awesome JavaScript Promise Tricks
The Promise API changed the game in JavaScript. We went from abusing setTimeouts and settling for synchronous operations to doing everything possible to leverage this new async API. Let’s check out a handful of awesome Promise API tricks! Cancel a fetch Request One problem we instantly...
Logical Assignment Operators
I love JavaScript, it’s my favorite programming language, but I love dipping into other languages because they offer a new perspective on coding paradigms. There’ve been syntax additions to JavaScript that I’ve seen I found interesting (think ?? in optional chaining) and now...
Nejspolehlivější manažerské auto je Tesla Model 3, druhá je benzínová Škoda Superb, tvrdí britský průzkum
Podle aktuálního britského průzkumu je nejspolehlivější auto vyšší střední třídy elektromobil Tesla Model 3, druhá v pořadí je benzínová Škoda Superb a na třetím místě skončila Mazda 3. Průzkum prováděl britský spotřebitelský magazín What Car? na vzorku 13 tisíc respondentů z řad majitelů aut dané
Japonský startup otestoval létající auto s člověkem na palubě
Není to tak dávno, co jsme psali o ambiciózních plánech japonského startupu SkyDrive – a nyní se k tomuto tématu opět vracíme. Jmenovaná společnost totiž před několika dny uskutečnila letovou zkoušku svého eVTOLu (Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft) zvaného SD-03.
Zajímavá je
Tesla v režimu Autopilot nabourala policejní auto. Řidič se místo sledování provozu díval na film
„Stokrát ohraná písnička“ – tak by se dala popsat další nehoda automobilu Tesla, ke které došlo ve středu 26. srpna ráno v americké Severní Karolíně. Opět v ní hraje roli funkce Autopilot a nepozornost řidiče, který se přiznal, že se místo sledování provozu díval na film, informuje web Ars
Copy the Browser’s Native Focus Styles
Remy documented this the other day. Firefox supports a Highlight keyword and both Chrome and Safari support a -webkit-focus-ring-color keyword. So if you, for example, have removed focus from something and want to put it back in the same style as the browser default, or want to apply a focus style...
Match Emojis with Regular Expressions
When experimenting with unicode property escapes, to identify accented letters in strings, it reminded me of a question I had a few years ago: what is the best way to identify and then replace emojis in a string? I first noticed this practice when using emojis in Facebook — sometimes Facebook...
Can you get valid CSS property values from the browser?
I had someone write in with this very legit question. Lea just blogged about how you can get valid CSS properties themselves from the browser. That’s like this.
CodePen Embed Fallback
That gives you, for example, the fact that cursor is a thing. But then how do you know what valid values...
Simple Node.js Proxy
When I wanted to refresh my React.js skills, I quickly moved to create a dashboard of cryptocurrencies, their prices, and and other aspects of digital value. Getting rolling with React.js is a breeze — create-react-app {name} and you’re off and running. Getting the API working...
Match Accented Letters with Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are used for a variety of tasks but the one I see most often is input validation. Names, dates, numbers…we tend to use regular expressions for everything, even when we probably shouldn’t. The most common syntax for checking alphabetic characters is A-z but what...
Expanding the Future (of Dev Tooling) with AI
Codota wants their tools to (at least!) double developer productivity. My vision is that we can do that not only by getting more developers using these tools, but in expanding where and how these tools learn themselves. The better the tools can *learn from us* what we're doing, the better *we...