
Nalezeno "crisis": 817

World’s Largest Banks Losing Stock Value During Weeks Marked by Pandemic

The spreading coronavirus infection is taking a toll on the global economy and traditional financial institutions are already hurting. The world’s largest banks have seen their stocks losing value over the past weeks and months while facing cash withdrawal pressure and preparing to deal with...

Bitcoin Likely to Turn Up as a Safe Haven Amidst Global Crisis

Bitcoin, at the time writing, was trading around $6,600 after retreating by $1000 since yesterday, until the time of writing BTC has regained support from the daily Moving Averages as we see steady intermittent uptrends over the past 10 days Impressively, the Bitcoin price trend has been moving...

Cash Crisis: National Currencies Plunge in the Wake of Coronavirus

Announcing an open-ended QE program Monday for unprecedented asset purchasing, the U.S. Federal Reserve has pledged to purchase assets "in the amounts needed," signaling the beginning of a virtually unlimited easing effort which will include moving into corporate bonds for the first time. The post...

2x Bitcoin: Wanna Double Your BTC to the Moon? Forget About It

Amid worldwide crisis and stock market turmoil, a growing number of investment schemes advertise a way to speedily double your bitcoins. Moon Bitcoin Live, for example, claims to be a licensed bitcoin doubler, promising that investors can double their bitcoins within 24 hours, with guaranteed...

Coronavirus: How Blockchain, AI, And 3D Printing Can Help Solve Supply Crisis

What seemed like science fiction a few short weeks ago is now very real. Movies such as Outbreak, Contagion and Virus are looking more like documentaries every day. As we battle COVID-19, a major issue that will only increase is disruption to supply chains. This disruption has been as devastating...

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