
Nalezeno "Trump": 7583

Currency War Erupts as US and China Bring Out the Big Guns

What started out as a trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies is now a full-blown currency war as the U.S. and China bring their big guns to the battlefield. The impact on the global financial markets was immediate and severe, driving up safe-haven assets as ordinary people...

Banks Stopped Walmart Bank – Now the Retail Giant Hits Back With Crypto

On August 1, it was discovered that the giant retail corporation Walmart has patented plans for a stablecoin that’s backed by U.S. dollars. If released into the wild, the USD-based cryptocurrency would be issued to select Walmart retailers and partners while the patent’s description...

Trump Administration Sues Notorious Crypto Exchange BTC-e for $100 Million

Trump Administration has filed a lawsuit of $100 million against infamous Bitcoin exchange BTC-e, and its owner, Alexander Vinnik, in a district court in Northern California. The suit has been filed accusing the exchange of providing crypto services to US residents without complying to the laws...

The Next Big Financial Meltdown Is Around the Corner, Many Voices Warn

“The economy is looking great,” how many times have they told you that? And why do you usually hear it when you are late on a mortgage payment or during a downsizing purge at your company? Relying on your senses is always a safer bet than trusting the wishful thinking of those...

Binance CEO Thinks Trump Discussing Cryptocurrency is a Good Thing

The industry of cryptocurrency doesn’t seem to cease the discussions around it. The latest comments have come from Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of the biggest digital currency exchange in terms of trading volume – Binance. Zhao’s opinions are in response to US President Donald Trump’s remarks...

Crypto Bullishness Spreads on Capitol Hill

U.S. Congress has shown that it is starting to care about cryptocurrency as a number of lawmakers spoke up in favor of it this week. “The world Satoshi Nakamoto had envisioned is an unstoppable force” and “there’s no capacity to kill bitcoin” are some of the comments...

Could Donald Trump Ban Bitcoin?

He can try, argues Noelle Acheson – but the risk he might succeed is outweighed by the benefits of the heightened conversation

Nouriel Roubini Takes Campaign Against BitMEX Crypto Exchange A Notch Higher

Renowned economist Nouriel Roubini has just ramped up his campaign against Seychelles based crypto exchange BitMEX, by releasing a report alleging that the exchange’s CEO Arthur Hayes might be openly involved in systematic illegal activities. It’s worth noting that the NYU ‘Stern School of Business...

Is the US Government Finally Accepting that Bitcoin is a Threat to the USD?

No matter how much we deny it, Bitcoin is the future of global trade, and will most probably dethrone the current dominant currency, the US Dollar. While the world of crypto and quite a few economists believe this, the US never reacted to crypto until recently. However, in the past few weeks,...

John McAfee: This Year Belongs to Privacy and Medical Tokens

Computer scientist and crypto advocate John McAfee tweeted last night that the current year belongs to privacy-focused tokens like Apollo, ZCash, Monero, etc., and medical tokens like Docademic, Solve, etc. These predictions are in line with his earlier market commentaries. This will be the year...

Market Buoyed as US Treasury Sec Backs Trump’s Anti-Crypto Sentiments

Source: YouTube/[URL="" target="_blank"]CNBC[/URL] Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic had contrasting messages for Facebook and its forthcoming Libra project, as the social network begins its grilling at the hand of both American houses of parliament. In the United States...

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