Bitcoin Cash Merchant Adoption Grows and Exchange Supports BCH in the Weekly Video Update
Businesses around the world continue to adopt bitcoin cash as a payment method and an exchange adds support for trading BCH. Watch these and other developments discussed in this week’s video update hosted by Roger Ver on’s Youtube channel. Also Read: Win 2019 Rugby World...
How US ‘Keep Big Tech Out of Finance’ Draft Bill Targets Facebook’s Libra
Facebook’s digital currency plans have caused concern among bureaucrats worldwide and members of the U.S. government seem fearful of a giant tech establishing itself as a financial institution. Prior to the U.S. congressional hearings and the upcoming G7 finance meeting, a U.S. discussion...
John McAfee Says It’s Impossible To Regulate Cryptocurrencies, As Regulation Will Only Hurt Users
After Donald Trump’s remark on Bitcoin and altcoins, crypto enthusiasts, stakeholders, and promoters have come out with strong reactions. While some asked Trump to invite crypto leaders to understand the industry as his advisors were misleading him, others thought that this is just another...
Bitcoin’s Bounce Back Might be the Biggest Bull Signal Ever
Just when we thought that the price correction of Bitcoin is the result of the most influential personality, Donald Trump stating that he is not a big fan of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But taking this into consideration, it is important to note that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have...
Trump o kryptoměnách: Nejsou reálné a mají mít bankovní licenci
Americký prezident Donald Trump si opět sedl k počítači a vyprodukoval sérii tweetů, tentokrát na téma kryptoměn. Uvedl, že není jejich fanouškem a společnosti, které je provozují, by podle něj měly zažádat o bankovní licenci.
Trump se konkrétně věnoval bitcoinu a oznámené kryptoměně Facebooku
Big Guns of Crypto Fraternity React to Trump’s Tweets on Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies have been at a tussle with regulators and lawmakers globally for a long time, however, the fight took a notch higher when US President Donald Trump tweeted late night that he isn’t a fan of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. He blasted Bitcoin accusing it of being used...
What Are Dollars Used for, President Trump? – The Gun Money Known as USD
Donald Trump has taken to Twitter yet again, and this time he’s talking about bitcoin and the superiority of the United States dollar. Bashing lack of regulation and potential for criminal activity inherent to crypto, Trump claims the U.S. fiat will always be the strongest currency in...
President Trump Jumps Into Crypto War, Says Not Big Fan of Bitcoin; Warns Facebook
The tussle between the administration and Bitcoin just intensified as the world’s most powerful lawmaker, president of the United States, Donald Trump has spoken on cryptocurrencies for the first time, and the news is not pleasant for the industry. Trump has tweeted that he isn’t a fan of Bitcoin...
The Best Responses to Donald Trump’s Claim That Bitcoin Is Backed by ‘Thin Air’
The cryptosphere was rubbing its hands with glee when U.S. president Donald Trump fired off a typically cantankerous tweetstorm on June 11 in which he took aim at Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and Libra. Bitcoiners relished the sudden attention directed towards their sphere from the president’s...
Donald Trump Not A Fan Of Bitcoin; Is This The Reason For Bitcoin Price To Descend?
Just when the crypto community and Bitcoin lovers thought that this would be a lingering Bull Run, Bitcoin started falling again. It is since yesterday i.e. 11th July that the price trend lost its surging momentum. While the community and the investors were gawking with high hopes about the price...
Bitcoin Unaffected as Markets Shrug Off Trump’s Critical Tweets
On thursday evening, the US president stated in a tweet that unregulated crypto assets possess the ability to facilitate unlawful behavior, so far the markets have been slower to react
Trump Takes Aim at Bitcoin, But Crypto Community Says ‘Thanks’
Source: Twitter, @WhiteHouse
American President Donald Trump has lashed out at cryptocurrencies – taking aim at Bitcoin and Facebook’s Libra project in particular, and insisting that the social network and other token issuers must “face global regulations” if they intend on “becoming banks.”
US President Donald Trump Says He’s ‘Not a Fan’ of Bitcoin
US President Donald Trump tweeted about bitcoin and Facebook's Libra on Thursday. He's not a fan
[aktualita] Trump vrací úder: francouzskou digitální daň prověříme a možná zavedeme odvetné tarify
Americký prezident Donald Trump nařídil přezkoumat právě schvalovaný navrh nové francouzské digitální daně pro velké internetové firmy, nelíbí se mu, že zasáhne vlivné americké společnosti. Vyšetřování povede vládní agentura Office of the United States Trade Representative a bude se snažit...
[aktualita] Donald Trump blokováním kritiků na Twitteru porušuje zákony, rozhodl soud
První dodatek americké ústavy nepovoluje veřejnému činiteli, který používá účet na sociálních sítích k oficiálním účelům, vyřadit osoby z jinak otevřeného online dialogu jen proto, že vyjadřují názory, se kterými veřejný činitel nesouhlasí. To je jádro rozhodnutí newyorského soudu, které teď podle...
ECB, IMF, China, Italy and Now Donald Trump Builds a Case for Bitcoin
Donald Trump. Source: Twitter, @realDonaldTrump
U.S. President Donald Trump has joined the ranks of other officials unintentionally building a case for Bitcoin and showing why it’s better compared to traditional fiat money systems.
In an eyebrow-raising tweet on Wednesday, Trump expressed...
Buy Bitcoin? Trump Says US 'Should Match' China’s Money Printing Game
Belligerent currency manipulation tweet from Trump bolsters the argument for crypto as a safe haven asset
G20 Leaders Issue Declaration on Crypto Assets – A Look at Their Commitments
The G20 leaders jointly issued a declaration on crypto assets at the end of their summit in Osaka, Japan. They declared their commitments, reaffirmed that crypto assets do not pose a threat to global financial stability, and requested further work done by standard-setting bodies. Also read:...
[aktualita] Trump: Huawei bude moci nakupovat od amerických dodavatelů
Americký prezident, Donald Trump, během sobotní tiskové konference oznámil, že USA povolí Huawei Technologies nakupovat od amerických dodavatelů. Učinil tak po rozhovorech s čínským prezidentem. „Americké společnosti mohou prodávat svá zařízení Huawei, bavíme se ale jen o produktech, u kterých...
Ross Ulbricht Letter Questions the Wisdom of Imprisoning Non-Violent Offenders
Forced to spend the rest of his days in a cage, Ross Ulbricht has recounted his situation in a letter, which explains how he’s spent more than 2,096 days in a U.S. federal penitentiary for running a website. Also Read: Bitcoin ‘Inventor’ Craig Wright Claims He Can’t Access...