
Nalezeno "Auto": 1217

How to Conditionally Add Attributes to Objects

JavaScript is full of tricks that you don’t know you want until you … want … them. Or maybe just until you see them. One trick I recently realized was conditionally adding attributes to React elements. Of course this trick essentially boils down to conditionally adding properties...

Sports Data for Developers: SportdataAPI (Sponsored)

Most of the side projects I consider starting revolve around sports, since I’m a huge sports fan. I spend my Saturdays watching soccer, Sundays spent watching soccer and NFL, and of course the mid-week Champions League and Europa League matches. One problem I’ve always had is not being...

39 Shirts – Leaving Mozilla

In 2001 I had just graduated from a small town high school and headed off to a small town college. I found myself in the quaint computer lab where the substandard computers featured two browsers: Internet Explorer and Mozilla. It was this lab where I fell in love with Mozilla — a browser that...

Curate Custom Content with mediastack

I used to have a personal aggregator of sites I enjoyed but maintaining it was a nightmare. I needed to grab each site’s RSS feed, categorize their contents, deal with errors and individual rate limits, etc. I had to tear the whole project down because it was a nightmare to manage. Fast...

How to Detect When a Sticky Element Gets Pinned

The need for position: sticky was around for years before it was implemented natively, and I can boast that I implemented it with JavaScript and scroll events for ages. Eventually we got position: sticky, and it works well from a visual perspective, but I wondered how can we determine when...

[aktualita] Škoda Auto zařadila do osobních vozů zpravodajství ČTK

Nový informační systém v osobních autech značky Škoda zobrazuje zpravodajství ČTK. Konkrétně jde o infotainment třetí generace v modelech Scala, Kamiq, Superb iV a vozech Superb, Karoq a Kodiaq modelového roku 2021. Uživatel má možnost si sám přidat až pět dalších zpravodajských kanálů dle vlastní...

Shoelace 2.0: A Forward-thinking Library of Web Components

A few years ago, I released a lightweight alternative to Bootstrap affectionately named Shoelace. Shoelace was small and fast because of its minimal design and pure CSS approach to styling. It used CSS custom properties extensively to enable customizations, even when loaded via CDN — something...

How to Detect the Default Branch in a git Repository

Over the past few years, many engineering teams have switched their default git branch name from master to a different, potentially less offensive term. I’m all for choosing to name your default branch whatever you’d like, but not having a universal default branch name can complicate...

How to Create an Async Function

One thing I love about JavaScript is that there are many ways to accomplish the same task, one such example being creating functions. There are several patterns for functions; one of the last you see used is the new Function method: /* new Function(arg1, arg2 (...), body) */ const myFunction =...

Vital Web Performance

I hate slow websites. They are annoying to use and frustrating to work on. But what does it mean to be “slow”? It used to be waiting for document load. Then waiting for page ready. But with so many asynchronous patterns in use today, how do we even define what “slow” is? The W3C has […] The...

Remove the Search Input Clear(x) Icon

I really appreciate the amount of different <input> elements we’ve received over the past decade. These elements don’t just bring a new semantic advantage, but also provide UI helpers, which in many cases are useful. In a recent case, I found a UI element not useful: the x (clear)...

5 Awesome JavaScript Promise Tricks

The Promise API changed the game in JavaScript. We went from abusing setTimeouts and settling for synchronous operations to doing everything possible to leverage this new async API. Let’s check out a handful of awesome Promise API tricks! Cancel a fetch Request One problem we instantly...

Logical Assignment Operators

I love JavaScript, it’s my favorite programming language, but I love dipping into other languages because they offer a new perspective on coding paradigms. There’ve been syntax additions to JavaScript that I’ve seen I found interesting (think ?? in optional chaining) and now...

Japonský startup otestoval létající auto s člověkem na palubě

Není to tak dávno, co jsme psali o ambiciózních plánech japonského startupu SkyDrive – a nyní se k tomuto tématu opět vracíme. Jmenovaná společnost totiž před několika dny uskutečnila letovou zkoušku svého eVTOLu (Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft) zvaného SD-03. Zajímavá je

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