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Overwatch 2 Hero Pick Rates Show Most Players Don’t Care About The Meta

Hero shooters like Overwatch 2 are always in flux when it comes to character pick rates. Balance changes, reworks, and new additions throw a wrench into the machine, so a period of high usage for a character can mean a lot of things. But while Overwatch 2 only launched four months ago, we can still...

Overwatch Players Want The Mei Murder Grenade To Be Real

Overwatch 2 doesn’t have a Mei homing grenade, but it could, and the promise of a weapon that would single-handedly seek out the ice-loving pain in my ass is enough to have players daydreaming about the possibilities.Read more

Mario Kart Fans Aghast To Learn About Secret Points That Tilt The Scales

The Mario Kart community recently found out that the GameBoy Advanced racing game was secretly giving bonus points to certain characters in the roster, and not everyone is happy about it. Characters such as Bowser are getting the largest amount of bonus points, while Peach and Toad get less....

RIP John Motson, 1945-2023

The world received some very sad news earlier today when we learned that legendary English football commentator John Motson, whose career spanned decades (and included very long stints in video games), had passed away at the age of 77.Read more

Definitely-Not-A-Live-Service-Shooter Suicide Squad Is Always Online

Today, during Sony’s first State of Play broadcast of 2023, we got a big ol’ look at the upcoming online third-person DC Comics shooter Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League. It looked…fine. But a newly posted FAQ on the official game’s website has confirmed that you’ll have to be online at...

Valve Traps And Bans 40,000 Cheaters In Ingenious Way

Competitive action RPG Dota 2 remains the second most-played game of all-time on Steam. Naturally, some of those players are cheaters. But this week Valve purged thousands of them from the platform thanks to an extremely clever little rouse: a bit of bogus game code that would only be activated...

The World Of Chess Is Having Its Own 'Me Too' Moment

Disturbing accusations of “grooming” and sexual abuse have recently rocked the world of professional chess. Grandmaster Alejandro Ramírez is reportedly currently under investigation by two major chess organizations, as detailed in reports from fellow chess grandmaster and advocate for women’s...

Angry Birds Game Pulled From Store In The Worst Way

Rovio Games announced yesterday that it will remove the paid version of the app from the Google Play Store “due to the game’s impact on our wider games portfolio” Thursday, February 23. The studio’s other games are all free-to-play titles featuring microtransactions while the original Rovio...

After Five Years, Gloomhaven Loses Top Spot On BoardGameGeek's Charts

While they are not a hard science, and should be viewed with as much scepticism as (video) gamers would look at a site like Metacritic, it cannot be denied that the user ratings on BoardGameGeek play a huge part in helping people choose which board games to buy, play and/or argue about.Read more

Report: City-Builder Taken Off Steam After Fan Goes Rogue

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is a city-builder that has a particular focus on how urban planning worked alongside the communist economies of Eastern Europe during the Cold War. It’s not for everyone, then, but it certainly has its fans.Read more

Two More Online Shooters Are Winding Up, But In The Best Ways Possible

So many online games have shut down so far in 2023 that we’ve already had to do a roundup, and it’s only February. Which means loads more are going to meet similar fates over the next 10 months, and the next two to meet their demise are Natural Selection 2 and Spellbreak.Read more

Only 4% of Companies in Spain Have Moved to Offer Services in the Metaverse

Only 4% of the companies in Spain have managed to apply the metaverse to their operations, according to a survey conducted by ISDI, a national business school. 40% of the business managers surveyed have admitted that it is difficult for them to bring parts of their business to the metaverse in...

Armored Core VI Devs Battle Fans Over Sexy Tag On Steam

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is about a distant planet ravaged by war as factions fight for control of a dangerous new energy source. Fans of the upcoming FromSoftware game are currently engaged in a war of their own on the mech fighter’s Steam page, trying to tag the game as sexy and cute....

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