Bitcoin Cash City Conference Success Wrap-Up
So many firsts from the Bitcoin Cash City Conference – what a huge success and a proud feather in the cap of North Queensland. As the largest cryptocurrency conference ever held in Australia, Townsville situated in sunny North Queensland worked its magic, fielding a beautiful setting, turned...
Easy Google Search Result API with Zenserp (Sponsored)
No matter how much experience I gain in this industry, one task I continue to fail at is building an accurate, flexible, and maintainable scraper for site search. As soon as sites change their HTML structure, my scrape is borked. When looking to build my own search results page, I looked around...
An Explanation of How the Intersection Observer Watches
There have been several excellent articles exploring how to use this API, including choices from authors such as Phil Hawksworth, Preethi, and Mateusz Rybczonek, just to name a few. But I’m aiming to do something a bit different here. I had an opportunity earlier in the year to present the VueJS...
Confessions of a Web Developer XVII
It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten a few things off of my chest and since I’m always full of peeves and annoyances I thought it was time to unleash: Firefox’s DevTools are outstanding right now. From the improvements we’ve made to the debugger, to responsive...
Stylish Sites Made Simple with AnyMod (Sponsored)
Amazing-looking websites often have specific patterns, and for a reason — they work. Whether it’s a slideshow, a parallax effect, or more traditional design, there’s a service that makes total designs and widgetry simple: AnyMod allows web experts and beginners alike to create...
weatherstack: an Amazing Weather API (Sponsored)
One of my first tasks each day is checking the weather; it’s a necessity for knowing what my children and I should wear, if I’m going to need to water the lawn or need to shovel snow, and if I can take meetings out on my patio. It’s also been one of my worst web […]
The post...
How to Not Minify Source with webpack
The webpack JavaScript utility has taken over the modern JavaScript landscape, so much so that it’s hard to be a JavaScript developer and not use it. JavaScript build utilities are the point where they do best practices implicitly, like minify code, caching, and more. I was recently debugging...
Stop Installing Packages Globally
These days, most front-end projects are going to involve NPM packages of some kind. Occasionally, when browsing documentation for these packages, I’ll see a recommendation to install a package like this. yarn global add <package> Or like this. npm install --global <package> In both...
Reverse Lookups with JavaScript
I’ve always loved exploring regular expressions because they’re one of those skills that’s never taught in school — you need to pick them up on the fly, messing up and fixing them along the way. Regex’s are incredibly powerful, and one power they have are referred...
The Evolution of Fundraising and Investments in the Blockchain Space
When a little known cypherpunk project called Bitcoin launched in 2009, few expected that cryptocurrency would become a household name. The blockchain market exploded onto the global scene in 2017, reaching a fever pitch in December and peaking at over […]
The post The Evolution...
How to Build Firefox
Open source is a dream and a gateway to an amazing career — I’m a testament to that. One of the most amazing open source projects to ever exist, Mozilla Firefox, is a project I’m proud to work on as an employee of Mozilla. It’s rewarding, challenging, and a unique...
45 Web Tools To Master The Internet (Sponsored)
A big part of our daily jobs is accomplished with much ease and efficiency by using different web tools and services. There is no doubt that for any type of need there is a great solution that is doing its job. In this article, we are reviewed on short 45 web tools and services that […]
Popular Web Tools and Services Among Designers & Developers (Sponsored)
Today we will present you the most popular 30 web tools and services among designers and developers. We handpicked solutions that are offering the best functionalities, support, and pricing on the market. You will find probably the best logo design creating software, the very well-known Hotjar...
Promises and Static Values
Async can throw a real wrench into the cogs of our programming workflows, all despite the fact that async is the modern JavaScript pattern. While async/await helps, there’s sometimes confusion about the way to have a single function that returns a value whether it exists or needs a Promise...
Mercurial Tips
While most of the world seems to be using git for version control, Mozilla continues to use Mercurial (hg) to manage the Firefox source code. As a git and GitHub lover, it took me a while to get used to Mercurial. I don’t consider myself a hg expert but I know enough to complete...
Data URIs
We’re all familiar with traditional URI protocols like https, http, ftp, and file, but data URIs have become a large part of our online strategy. We can use them to display images, the Mac camera and webcams, and more. But what if we simply want to use a data URI to convey basic data? Typing...
Front Conference in Zürich
(This is a sponsored post.)
I'm so excited to be heading to Zürich, Switzerland for Front Conference (Love that name and URL!). I've never been to Switzerland before, so I'm excited about that, but of course, the web nerd in me is excited to be at the conference with lots of fellow webfolk. Some...
The Differing Perspectives on CSS-in-JS
Some people outright hate the idea of CSS-in-JS. Just that name is offensive. Hard no. Styling doesn't belong in CSS, it belongs in CSS, a thing that already exists and that browsers are optimized to use. Separation of concerns. Anything else is a laughable misstep, a sign of not learning from...
Ethereum Classic Name Change Would Get Other Cryptos ‘Rekt,’ Says Dev
Ethereum Classic Labs’ Stevan Lohja says that many top cryptos would be “rekt” by Ethereum Classic if it removed “Ethereum” from its name
How to Crop Videos
During a recent episode of the Script and Style podcast, I had noticed that the video recording had showed a bit of our internal chat that wasn’t necessary for our viewers to see. While there’s nothing wrong with giving viewers a peek into the show preparation, presenting the best...