Hyperinflation Hits Lebanon: Food Prices Soar 200%, Biggest Crisis Since Civil War
Lebanon has entered hyperinflation, the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to do so. With a 462% annual inflation rate and food prices rising by almost 200% this month, Lebanon has joined Venezuela in hyperinflating. Meanwhile, the Lebanese pound has lost 82% of its value this year....
Covid-19 Affects North Dakota Colleges & Universities, Masks Mandatory
The North Dakota Board of Higher Education at a special meeting on July 23, 2020, adopted a resolution, which requires North Dakota’s 11 colleges and universities to encourage wearing masks at their campus to stop the spread of COVID-19 when they reopen in the fall. The board called the meeting...
Former Ethereum Researcher Seeks a Change of Venue for North Korea Court Case
Ethereum Researcher Virgil Griffith seeks a court venue change as well as internet usage as part of ongoing legal ordeal
Investment Firm Arcane Crypto to Go Public via $33 Million Reverse Merger
Arcane Crypto, a Norway-based investment company, said Thursday that it is planning to go public through a reverse takeover by Vertical Ventures, a publicly traded Swedish firm. Vertical Ventures will buy Arcane Crypto for $33 million by issuing over 6.6 billion new shares. Each share cost $0.005...
Google kupuje výrobce chytrých brýlí North. Vlastní zařízení ale nechystá
Google to s chytrými brýlemi zkoušet před několika lety, pokus s Google Glass ale nevyšel. Nyní firma kupuje kanadský North, který loni vydal vlastní chytré brýle s projektorem. Nově se tak začlení do nadnárodního týmu. Ovšem vlastní nové brýle Google podle všeho nechystá.
Firma North
BIS Plans New Central Banking Fintech Research Hubs in Europe, North America
The Bank for International Settlements is expanding its “Innovation Hub” with a handful of new locations in Canada and Europe
Only 3.5 Million Bitcoin Is Traded Worldwide; Majority of BTC Held Long-Term as Digital Gold, Says Chainalysis
Only 3.5 million bitcoin or 19% of total circulating supply is actively traded throughout the world, while the rest is being held long-term by investors, according to a new report by crypto analytics company Chainalysis. Per the report, nearly 18.6 million bitcoin (BTC) has been mined as of June...
North Korean Hackers to Launch a Global COVID-19 Phishing Campaign
North Korea-backed hackers are reportedly preparing a massive phishing campaign to take advantage of the COVID-19 crisis
Chinese Government Crackdowns and Cheap Hydropower- Miners Migrate from North to South China
China-based bitcoin miners have started to migrate southbound from North China, according to local reports. The operators are having difficulties and are transitioning mining facilities for cheap hydro-powered electricity. Testimonials also show that 64 mining operations in the prefecture in Yunnan...
US Firm Announces Installation of 700 Mining ASICs With More on the Way
United States firm, Marathon Patent Group, announced that it installed 700 units of Bitcoin mining ASIC units
Bitcoin Hashrate Bounces Back- 2x the Mining Pools, Farm Diversification, 100 Exahash
Around 18 days ago, the Bitcoin protocol experienced it’s third block reward halving and the network saw a 33% hashrate loss. Since then, however, bitcoin miners have increased in both number and hashpower, as the network has seen a 15-20 exahash per second (EH/s) increase. Moreover, on...
Kim Jong Un May Be Using Stolen Crypto to Offset Economic Fallout
The latest reports suggest that North Korea could be encouraging the Lazarus group to steal crypto globally
3 Reports Look at North Korea’s Lazarus Group, Iran’s Farhad Exchange, and the Crypto Ponzi Futurenet
On May 4, 2020, the blockchain surveillance firm Chainalysis published a three-part series covering a crypto Ponzi scheme, North Korea, and Iran’s use of digital currencies like bitcoin. The company’s research papers discuss the Poland-based crypto Ponzi called Futurenet, a hosting...
Chainalysis’ Crypto Crime Intelligence Briefs Cast Spotlight on North Korea and Iran
New York-based blockchain intelligence firm Chainalysis has launched a new initiative to shed more light on the scope of its latest crypto crime analyses
What’s Next for BTC, Chainalysis Criticized, Crypto Fears Kim Jong Un’s Death: Hodler’s Digest, April 27–May 3
Uncertainty over where Bitcoin will go after its $9,400 rally, a well-known BTC educator criticizes Chainalysis, and nerves over North Korea’s crypto holdings
DPRK Insider: Kim Jong-Un in Good Health, Crypto Will Help Fight Imperialism
A special delegate of the North Korean government has told Cointelegraph that Kim Jong-un is in good health and that Bitcoin will help the regime fight imperialism
Crypto Community Fears North Korean BTC Sell-Off Amid Rumors of Kim Jong Un’s Death
North Korean leader’s reported health issues cause the crypto community fear of the a regime crypto sell-off
US Regulator Clears Security Token Trading System to Launch
North Capital received regulatory approval to launch an alternate trading system for security tokens
US Agencies Publish List of North Korea’s Alleged Crypto Crimes
The US government urged countermeasures to stymie North Korea's billion-dollar cybercrime campaigns
US Gov’t Issues New Guidance Against North Korea’s Cryptojacking, Ransomware and Hacking
North Korean cyber program is the subject of new U.S. Treasury and FBI advisory calling on the international community to address threats like Lazarus Group