
Nalezeno "Plus": 833

CSS Animation Timelines: Building a Rube Goldberg Machine

If you’re going to build a multi-step CSS animation or transition, you have a particular conundrum. The second step needs a delay that is equal to the duration of the first step. And the third step is equal to the duration of the first two steps, plus any delay in between. It gets more...

[aktualita] Český rozhlas spustil další tři FM vysílače pro stanici Plus

Český rozhlas oznámil, že pro města Benešov, Vlašim a Šumperk spustil v pondělí 4. května nové vysílače stanice ČRo Plus. V případě lokality Benešov-Bezručova jde o kmitočet 104 MHz (výkon 100 W), v lokalitě Vlašim-Komenského 91 MHz (100 W) a v lokalitě Šumperk-Vrchlického 101,5 MHz (200 W). ...

2020 Stack

In an article with the most clickbaity article ever, Joe Honton does a nice job of talking about the evolving landscape of web development. "Full-stack" perhaps had its day as a useful term, but since front-end development touches so many parts of the stack now, it's not a particularly useful term....

[článek] Představujeme Disney+. Podívejte se, jaké nabízí funkce a rozhraní

[6 minut čtení] Streamovací službu Disney+ už používají desítky milionů lidí. Podle amerických analytiků navíc odlákala asi šest procent předplatitelů konkurenčnímu Netflixu. Co zákazníci za měsíční paušál vlastně získávají? Disney+, dlouho očekávaná internetová videotéka korporace The Walt Disney...

The Auto-Flowing Powers of Grid’s Dense Keyword

Let's say we're working on the homepage of a news website. You're probably used to seeing some card-based content in a grid layout, right? Here's a classic example, The New York Times: Yeah, something like that. There are going to be some cards/elements/boxes/whatever that need to take up more...

Thank You (2019 Edition)

One of our yearly traditions here is to thank all y'all CSS-Tricks readers at the passing of a new year. It means a lot to me that people come here and read the words I write, and the words of all our staff and guest authors that contribute here as well. Thank you! Plus, we dig into the numbers...

PlusToken Ponzi Scheme Moves USD 100 Million Worth of Ethereum

After reporting that an alleged Ponzi scheme may still dump at least USD 243 million worth of crypto on the market, their Ethereum (ETH) seems to be on the move. China-based PlusToken, deemed a scam by local and foreign media, as well as the crypto community at large, seems to have moved...

Working with Fusebox and React

If you are searching for an alternative bundler to webpack, you might want to take a look at FuseBox. It builds on what webpack offers — code-splitting, hot module reloading, dynamic imports, etc. — but code-splitting in FuseBox requires zero configuration by default (although webpack will offer...

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