
Nalezeno "Square": 1028

Outriders Apparently Has A Bug That Wipes All Your Gear

How’s this for a horror story? You spend hours farming gear in your favorite loot game. You find some truly awesome stuff, including some legendaries. Then, one moment, out of the blue, it’s all gone. Everything, to the point where your character is basically naked. For some Outriders players...

Games Like Outriders Really Need Offline Modes

Earlier today, I was playing Outriders. I was in the middle of a mission, about to beat a tough enemy, when I was disconnected from the servers. An error message popped up and that was that. But I was playing alone, in an area only filled with NPCs in a game with no PVP. So why did I even need...

Outriders Launches To A Day Of Server Problems, Like Every Other Online Game

If you play video games in the 21st century, you’re no stranger to this: A popular game launches that demands an internet connection. Interested players buy it, can’t access the servers, and can’t play the thing they paid for. The latest offender is Outriders, a class-based loot shooter from...

New Data Shows Bitcoin Captured Net Gains For Six Consecutive Months

According to Bloqport’s latest data, bitcoin, which ended the month of March with an overall gain of 29%, has now been in the green for six consecutive months. The data also shows that the crypto asset’s value has nearly doubled from its December 2020 closing price of $29,383 to...

The Best Special Edition Gaming Consoles, According To Our Readers

There’s nothing like a special edition gaming console. Sure, everyone has a Nintendo Switch, but how many of us have an Animal Crossing-themed Nintendo Switch? Who among us has a PlayStation 4 with a big Spider-Man logo on it? These bespoke systems are truly one of a kind. Actually, in some...

PSA: If You’re Stuck On The Outriders Title Screen, Be Patient

Outriders is finally out today for all of the things (save for the Switch). But some players have reportedly found themselves unable to play, seemingly stuck on an infinite loading screen. Pro tip: Just stay in line. They have to count your login.Read more

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Let’s drop this pretense about what the weekend is for and get straight to the point. Of course I will be playing the free PlayStation 4 idol rhythm game from Square Enix this weekend. No one needs a post to tell them that. What’s that? It’s called Love Live! School Idol Festival ~after school...

A History Of Shareware, Demos And Covertapes

Back before YouTube and Twitch and always online DRM, developers needed more effective ways of marketing than just relying on word of mouth. This resulted in shareware, demos and demo discs, free slices of playable content that spawned one of the most interesting phases in the gaming. Read more

Final Fantasy XI Reboot Cancelled After Six Years Of Nothingness

You will probably not remember this, but back in 2015, Nexon and Square Enix announced a mobile version of Final Fantasy XI that was due for release in 2016. It did not come out in 2016, or 2017, or 2018, or 2019, or 2020, and now will never be coming out, since it’s finally been put out of...

Report: Mobile Game Final Fantasy XI R Has Been Canceled

For the past few years, Square Enix has been co-developing mobile Final Fantasy XI R with Nexon. The game was dubbed an “MMMRPG” or “Massively Multiplayer Mobile RPG.” But now, apparently, it’s no more.Read more

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Is Even More Heartbreaking In French

I do not speak a lick of French, and yet the first thing I did upon (finally) unlocking Heavensward, Final Fantasy XIV’s first expansion, was switch to French audio. It was a recommendation of a dear friend who’s further into her first journey through FF14 than I am. Neck-deep in Heavensward’s main...

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