
Nalezeno "Finance": 9903

RSGP Finance to Secure Randomized Gameplay via Chainlink VRF

RSGP finance has announced its decision to amalgamate Chainlink VRF, Chainlink’s Verifiable Random Function on the smart blockchain network by Binance. Renowned for its liquidity mining practice which is NFT-gamified and inspired by the online game Old School RuneScape, it allows users to become...

Arrington Capital to back Algorand projects with $100M growth fund

“The Arrington Algorand Growth Fund represents yet another key strategic pillar in supporting the momentum of those building on top of what we think is the best technical platform for regulated DeFi and the future of finance,” said Sean Ford, COO of Algorand

Kardiachain & Knit Finance to Unify Next-Gen Blockchain

KardiaChain recently announced that the blockchain network would be entering a strategic partnership with Knit Finance. KardiaChain believes in scalability and interoperability, aiming to expand its blockchain proceedings. Joining hands with a prominent cross-chain venture such as Knit Finance will...

Finance na rozjezd startupů řeší Brno po svém

Českým startupům chybí dostatek možností k financování v rané fázi vývoje. Dobrý nápad tak často končí v šuplíku, protože na výrobu… The post Finance na rozjezd startupů řeší Brno po svém appeared first on

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