
Nalezeno "Bitcoin DeFi": 118

The Diverging Paths of Bitcoin & DeFi: A Data Perspective by IntoTheBlock

Every week, IntoTheBlock brings you on-chain analysis of top news stories in the crypto space. Leveraging blockchain’s public nature, IntoTheBlock’sContinue Reading The post The Diverging Paths of Bitcoin & DeFi: A Data Perspective by IntoTheBlock appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

Bitcoin Defi: Smart Contract Platform RSK Integrates ETH-Based Stablecoin DAI

On October 6, 2020, the RIF (RSK Infrastructure Framework) development team announced that the Makerdao project’s DAI stablecoin is now available via the smart contract protocol RSK. According to the software engineers, RIF developers leveraged the RSK-Ethereum token bridge and individuals...

Stacking Satoshis: Leveraging Defi Applications to Earn More Bitcoin

As decentralized finance (defi) has become more popular, digital currency proponents are making money off of more than 140 yield-bearing cryptocurrencies. While most of the defi ecosystem revolves around the Ethereum network, a number of people leverage these defi applications in order to earn more...

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