
Nalezeno "Ethereum gas": 78

Alchemy Reveals its Ethereum Gas Price Notification Tool

There is a new tool out that notifies its users when the Ethereum (ETH) gas falls within the set price range. Blockchain developer platform Alchemy has announced their new tool called Gas Price Notifications, which "developers can use to alert their users when gas price is optimal...

Party at Vitalik’s House? For DeFi, it’s Do-or-Die

Ethereum gas prices have set new records, with single DeFi transactions costing over $10 in fees. High fees are the result of congestion, as users pay ever higher fees to ensure their transaction gets into a block. As DeFi takes off, the price of gas on Ethereum threatens its future. Or does it?...

Defi Boom Fueling ETH Gas Fees, Threatens Viability of Smart Contracts

Growing Ethereum network transaction fees, which touched new highs recently, are a direct consequence of the increasing number of defi projects and yield farming. Yield farmers need to pay ETH for transactions like moving funds in and out of pools. The increased number of yield farmers leads...

Ethereum Gas Fee Prices Rising Again: When Will it End?

The sky appears to be the limit for ethereum (ETH) gas fees as the average price of transactions returned to just short of the USD 5 mark for the first time since a bug apparently derailed the decentralized finance (DeFi) Yam project – and total gas fees reached a whopping USD 7.1 million on August...

Here is the Best Time of Day to Save on Ethereum Gas Prices

The Ethereum (ETH) blockchain doesn't sleep, but people do - and this means that the time of day can be used to one's advantage to pay lower transaction fees. "In order to save on gas prices, the best time is to submit our transaction is the early weekend morning Singapore time and the worst...

Crypto Networks Stress Tested During Bitcoin’s Wild Week

Crypto valuations haven’t been the only casualties of this week’s market crash; crypto networks have also felt the strain. As onchain activity has ramped up in response to the market slump, fees have soared and the mempool filled on the BTC and ETH chains. Other crypto networks have...

Mysterious Project Accused of Increasing Ethereum Gas Price

A mysterious project is suspected for increasing transaction fees on the Ethereum network. Many in the cryptoverse point at the More Gold Coin (MGC) project that has multiple websites and claims that it makes 9%-25% monthly profits since its launch this past April. While MGC was not available...

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