PS5 Pro May Not Run GTA 6 At 60 Frames Per Second
Details about the PS5 Pro keep leaking all over the place, with us recently learning that it’s likely targeting a holiday 2024 release window and that it will apparently feature “PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution,” whatever that is. While headlines are suggesting this is “the most powerful...
PC ani konzoli nepotřeboval. Do Wi-Fi routeru strčil grafickou kartu a rozjel na něm GTA
Už jste určitě viděli všechny bizarní přístroje (včetně těhotenských testů), na kterých někdo rozjel střílečku Doom. Budoucím benchmarkem hardwarových hackerů by mohla být hra GTA: Vice City. Němec s přezdívkou KittenLabs ji totiž spustil na routeru TP-Link TL-WDR4900.
Ten měl na svou dobu
Rockstar Finally Lets GTA Online Players Drive The Train, 11 Years Later
3,811 days after Grand Theft Auto Online’s 2013 release, players can finally, officially drive the game’s indestructible train. And while it’s only possible in a specific mission in GTA Online’s latest update, it’s still a cool moment for many players. Read more
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Is Heavily Inspired By GTA V, Says Director
Dragon’s Dogma 2, Capcom’s upcoming open-world fantasy RPG, is looking like it’s gonna be something special. And while you might expect a game with swords, mages, dragons, and other high-fantasy concepts to be inspired by something like Dungeons and Dragons or Lord of the Rings, the game’s director...
Fotbalová hvězda si pochvaluje přesun do Los Angeles. Město už zná z videoher
Francouzský fotbalový brankář a mistr světa z roku 2018 Hugo Lloris vyměnil prestižní anglickou fotbalovou ligu Premier League za americkou MLS, když nově nastupuje za tým z Los Angeles. Jako jednu z věcí, které ho do „města andělů“ přilákaly, pak uvedl i herní sérii Grand Theft Auto, díky níž se...
GTA Token Rises to Prominence with Explosive Growth and Innovative Ventures
PRESS RELEASE. In a remarkable feat of growth, GTA Token has surged an astonishing 200x within the span of just one month since its inception, catapulting it to the TOP-1 spot for several consecutive weeks in the category of best assets on both Arbitrum and SushiSwap. The project’s remarkable...
Someone Got GTA: Vice City Running On An Internet Router
Doom isn’t the only game getting ported to devices that were never intended to run a video game. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Rockstar Games’ massively popular open-world crime game released in 2002, is also getting in on the fun. Thanks to a skilled tinkerer, the classic game is now playable on...
French Soccer Star Lists GTA As One Reason He Moved To LA
Famous and celebrated French footballer Hugo Lloris left the Tottenham Hotspurs after eleven years and is now a member of the Los Angeles Football Club. It’s believed he passed on higher-paying offers from other teams to instead live in LA and play for the much-less-prestigious American...
Vývoj GTA 6 jde do finále, zaměstnancům Rockstaru skončil home office
Jedna z nejočekávanějších her všech dob se pomalu blíží a zatímco fanoušci se už nemohou dočkat, zaměstnanci studia Rockstar jsou naopak naštvaní. Kvůli zintenzivnění závěrečných prací a také strachu z bezpečnostních úniků se totiž musí po dlouhých letech opět vracet do svých kanceláří každý...
GTA 6 Devs Slam Rockstar Games For Return-To-Office Mandate
A new report confirms that as Rockstar Games is entering the final stages of development on Grand Theft Auto 6, the company is mandating that employees must return to the office five days a week starting in April, to no applause from anyone.Read more
Total Recall: Why Yakuza Is So Much More Than A Japanese GTA
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Another Musician May Have Just Announced They’re Working On GTA 6
It’s been almost three months since Rockstar dropped the reveal trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI, giving fans a first (official) look at what to expect in the hotly anticipated open-world crime game, but since then news has been pretty nonexistent. One thing we have learned more about in the first...
PS Portal Hack Lets The Handheld Run PSP Games
The PlayStation Portal is a cool device that solves a unique problem: playing games in a shared household with one console. But Sony’s $200 handheld can only stream games from a connected PlayStation 5, making it more of a remote-play system than a full-fledged, standalone piece of gaming hardware...
PS5 Pro Likely Launching Ahead Of GTA 6, Analysts Say
While the PlayStation 5 is apparently entering the later stages of its life cycle, some industry analysts think Sony might be planning to give the system an update similar to the one the PS4 received with the PlayStation 4 Pro within the next year.Read more
Potetovaný podivín zrušil žalobu na GTA 6, místo toho by rád dostal roli
Američan Lawrence Patrick Sullivan, známý kvůli svému výraznému tetování na obličeji jako Floridský Joker, už nechce za údajnou krádež podoby po autorech chystaného herního hitu Grand theft Auto 6 miliony dolarů. Spokojí se prý s pár set tisíci a ještě jim poskytne svůj hlas
Vivat Slovakia chystá vydání v předběžném přístupu na duben. Plná verze slovenského GTA vyjde ještě letos
Kotaku's Weekend Guide: Spiky-Haired Swordsmen And Intergalactic Trailblazers
We’ve arrived at another weekend. But it’s no ordinary weekend, since there’s now a demo for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth we can play through a million times before the game launches on February 29 (there’s also an open-world section that’ll be added to said demo later this month).Read more
GTA 6 Trailer Painstakingly Recreated In IRL Miami
Since its release in late 2023, the Grand Theft Auto VI trailer has become one of the biggest, most-watched video game ads in history. And now, a YouTuber has recreated scenes from the trailer in Miami (the game is set in a fictitious version of the Florida city) to create one of the most...
23 Years Later, GTA III's Influence Is Still Inescapable
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Hogwarts Legacy Just Broke A 14-Year Games Industry Streak
According to newly released data, 2023's best-selling video game was Hogwarts Legacy from WB Games. And that means that for the first time in over a decade, the top-selling game of the year wasn’t another Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, or other Rockstar-published game. Read more