
Nalezeno "Harder": 87

COVID-19 Crisis Weighs On Crypto M&A, Startups To Sweat Harder

Several crypto M&A deals have been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the general economic uncertainty, Torbjørn Bull Jenssen, the CEO of Arcane Research, told Also, crypto startups will need to put more effort in order to secure fresh capital, he added. The CEO of...

Dark mode and variable fonts

Not so long ago, we wrote about dark mode in CSS and I’ve been thinking about how white text on a black background is pretty much always harder to read than black text on a white background. After thinking about this for a while, I realized that we can fix that problem by making the text thinner...

Consistent Backends and UX: What Can Go Wrong?

Article Series Why should you care? What can go wrong? What are the barriers to adoption? (Coming soon) How do new algorithms help? (Coming soon) In the previous article, we explained what strong (vs. eventual) consistency is. This article is the second part of a series where we explain how...

Systems, Mistakes, and the Sea

Our own Robin Rendle: [...] folks can’t talk about real design systems problems because it will show their company as being dysfunctional and broken in some way. This looks bad for their company and hence looks bad for them. But hiding those mistakes and shortcomings by glossing over everything...

Is Web Design Easier or Harder Than it was 10 Years Ago?

Is it harder or easier to build a website now than 10 years ago? Has the bar gone up or down? I don't have any data for you, but I can shell out some loosey-goosey opinions. HTML HTML5 was the only big HTML change in the last decade, and it wasn't particularly dramatic. It's cool it's the looser... One CMS, Infinite Possibilities

(This is a sponsored post.) Have you ever looked at a site and knew exactly what CMS powers it? You might see a distinctive design aesthetic that gives it away. Or maybe it's something even less obvious and even harder to articulate, but you know it when you see it. That seems true with just about...

Multi-Line Truncation with Pure CSS

Truncating a single line of text if is fairly straightforward. Truncating multiple lines is a bit harder. Using just CSS (no JavaScript or server-side dancing) is nice for the simplicity. It's gotten a little easier lately since Firefox (since version 68) has started supporting the ultra-bizarre...

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