
Nalezeno "Holiday": 132

The Mario Bros Have Earned A Beach Holiday

I know Mario games have involved the beach before, but those times—Mario Sunshine especially—were about work, or quests, and quests are work. This series of illustrations by Léo Chérel instead imagines what it would be like if the brothers (and friends) were all able to take a proper, well-deserved...

Take The Day Off To Play Elden Ring, Says Japanese Game Studio

This Friday, Elden Ring is released. If you’re looking forward to the game, going into work that day will suck. How will you focus? You won’t. You’ll just be counting down the minutes—no, the seconds—until you can get out of that place and starting playing From Software’s latest opus. But...

The Quest 2 VR Headset Had A Hell Of A Good Holiday Season

Last holiday season the Quest 2 VR headset had gotten off to a rocky start, with reviewers praising the virtual reality headset’s tech, but panning its mandatory Facebook integration. This year, with the Facebook restrictions relaxed, Xbox and PlayStation consoles being hard to find, and...

10 Brilliant Games To Play With Your Family This Holiday Season

Despite my annual letter writing campaign, the schools still close during the Christmas period. As such, your home might become far more plagued by small children, whether they’re your own or those of family or friendly invaders. How can you occupy them, once they’ve tired of shivering on... to Give Away $25,000 In “December to Remember”

In light of the holiday season, and to celebrate a fantastic year for economic freedom enhancing technologies like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, NFTs, DeFi, Play-to-earn games, and more, is giving away more than $25,000 in cash prizes between now and the end of the year. $20,000...

Cross-Border NHL Games Have Been Postponed Due to the Holiday Season

Due to a high number of COVID-19 infections mostly in the league, the NHL has delayed all cross-border matches until the beginning of the Christmas holidays on December 23rd. And the NHL’s chances of competing in the Olympics in Beijing seem to be fading. The NHL, as well as the National...

GameStop Pushes Employees To The Breaking Point During Holiday Rush

It’s been a gangbusters year for those at the top of the GameStop pyramid. Revenue is down and stores are closing, but the stock price continues to hover around an unprecedented $200 a share, forging gilded parachutes for its fleeing C-Suite. For many at the bottom, however, it’s been one of...

Servers: Cool Once Again

There were jokes coming back from the holiday break that JavaScript decided to go all server-side. I think it was rooted in: The Basecamp gang releasing Hotwire, which looks like marketing panache around a combination of technologies. “HTML over … The post Servers: Cool Once Again...

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