
Nalezeno "Quick Tips": 138

VS Code node:console Fix

I’ve been using Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code text editor for years with great success. The app has always been stable, flexible, and the best compliment I can give it: an afterthought. Recently, however, every time I added a console.log to a JavaScript file, VS Code would add import...

Insert Cursor at Any Position at Command Line

As much as I enjoy writing lengthy pieces of JavaScript APIs, techniques, and other tech brilliance, I very much enjoy providing people quick tips to make their daily dev lives better. This is one such post. Oftentimes I’m working with long command line directives, and as you can imagine,...

Use Touch ID for sudo on Mac

The landscape of security is changing quite a bit. We’ve gone from basic username and password to 2FA, facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and so on. Hell, my Mac unlocks simply when I have my Apple Watch near by. In the end, I probably use the Mac fingerprint key the most....

How to Install a NPM Module from GitHub Branch

In my journey to work more quickly with a project containing loads of dependencies, I’ve come across a few techniques I’ve not needed to use before. I previously wrote about How to Push to a Git Remote Branch of a Different Name — this time we’ll talk about installing...

How to Push to a Git Remote Branch of a Different Name

Git is one of those tools that I’ve always known just enough about to be dangerous, and usually tend to learn new skills when I’m in a position to truly need them. Shockingly enough it has taken me roughly 15 years of using git for me to encounter the need to push to a remote...

Fix “no such file or directory, scandir”

After 15+ years in the web development industry, and seeing the landscape of tooling change, I’ve really lost patience with tooling errors. Like…Old Man Walsh™ just wants yarn install to work so he can get on with his work day. One recent error I ran into was from a dependency...

Return a Default Value with Promises Using catch

Last week I tweeted all of you looking for your best JavaScript Array and Promise tricks, and as always, it didn’t disappoint — I learned quite a bit! Today’s JavaScript Promise trick is brought to you by Claudio Semeraro: how to use catch to set a default value instead of...

Break a forEach Loop with JavaScript

I’ve written a number of blog posts about JavaScript tricks: Promise tricks, type conversion tricks, spread tricks, and a host of other JavaScript tricks. I recently ran into another JavaScript trick that blew my mind: how to break a forEach loop. To break the forEach loop at any point,...

Use a Submit Button Outside of !

Have you ever felt like you’ve been a professional developer or designer forever, and somehow not known something basic, and borderline hate yourself? That’s me with a trick that was introduced to me by Miguel Piedrafita: 🔥 You can submit forms from a button outside of the form...

Detect Generator Functions with JavaScript

In the current JavaScript climate of new syntaxes, features, and using loads of external libraries, it seems harder than ever to be sure what your functions are being given or even what the data represents. Of course, we’ve come up with Flow and TypeScript to help, but we can’t count...

git: Remove Untracked Files

I’ve always said that I know just enough about git to get the job done, but also do something destructive. Nothing embodies that more than my recent mistake. I somehow found a git repository full of untracked files and git stash wouldn’t fix it. Desperation led me to learning how...

Node isConnected

Every so often I discover a property in JavaScript objects that I didn’t know existed, oftentimes using another trick to accomplish the same functionality. One such property I just learned about was isConnected, a node property that attached to a context (i.e. document). Here’s how...

How to Prevent Pasting into an Input

Every once in a while I get to a website that doesn’t allow me to paste into a form input. In most cases it’s something to do with login credentials (username and or password) and auth codes. So how are they preventing me from pasting information? It’s as easy as you’d...

How to Conditionally Add Attributes to Objects

JavaScript is full of tricks that you don’t know you want until you … want … them. Or maybe just until you see them. One trick I recently realized was conditionally adding attributes to React elements. Of course this trick essentially boils down to conditionally adding properties...

How to Create an Async Function

One thing I love about JavaScript is that there are many ways to accomplish the same task, one such example being creating functions. There are several patterns for functions; one of the last you see used is the new Function method: /* new Function(arg1, arg2 (...), body) */ const myFunction =...

Remove the Search Input Clear(x) Icon

I really appreciate the amount of different <input> elements we’ve received over the past decade. These elements don’t just bring a new semantic advantage, but also provide UI helpers, which in many cases are useful. In a recent case, I found a UI element not useful: the x (clear)...

Logical Assignment Operators

I love JavaScript, it’s my favorite programming language, but I love dipping into other languages because they offer a new perspective on coding paradigms. There’ve been syntax additions to JavaScript that I’ve seen I found interesting (think ?? in optional chaining) and now...

Match Emojis with Regular Expressions

When experimenting with unicode property escapes, to identify accented letters in strings, it reminded me of a question I had a few years ago: what is the best way to identify and then replace emojis in a string? I first noticed this practice when using emojis in Facebook — sometimes Facebook...

Match Accented Letters with Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are used for a variety of tasks but the one I see most often is input validation. Names, dates, numbers…we tend to use regular expressions for everything, even when we probably shouldn’t. The most common syntax for checking alphabetic characters is A-z but what...

Binding Arguments with Bind

One of my favorite and most essential Function method is bind, a function we added to MooTools when it wasn’t featured in the JavaScript language itself. We often think of using bind to simply bind a method’s call to its host object, but did you know you can also bind arguments with...

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