Alder Lake má vrátit Intel na procesorový trůn. Grafiky Arc začnou okopávat Radeony a GeForce
Alder Lake slibuje až 19% mezigenerační nárůst výkonu • Intel bude kombinovat velká a malá jádra, jako to známe z mobilů
• Grafická karta Arc jako první využije 6nm proces TSMC
Vyzyvatel GeForce a Radeonů se bude jmenovat Intel Arc
Výkonné herní grafické karty Intelu a také softwarová řešení kolem nich postavená ponesou jméno Arc. Americká společnost včera oznámila, že první produkty dorazí v prvním čtvrtletí 2022, avšak ještě v průběhu tohoto roku budeme znát přesnější specifikace hardwaru.
Intel je totiž na
Guilty Gear Strive Update Removes References To Taiwan, Tibet
Alongside some gameplay adjustments, the latest Guilty Gear Strive update included stealth changes to the in-game glossary that have raised some concerns over the concessions they seem to make to the oppressive Chinese government.Read more
Shipping Prices For Board Games Have Gone Through The Roof
Board games had a very bad 2020, with the industry hit hard by Covid thanks to manufacturing issues and the fact people literally couldn’t get together to play board games. Things were looking slightly up for 2021, until freight shipping prices just decided to fire themselves into space.Read more
Guilty Gear Strive Is Too Stylish For Its Own Good
I’ve been having a great time with Guilty Gear Strive, out this week on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Steam, but I feel like developer Arc System Works might have gone a little overboard in the aesthetics department this time around.Read more
ECC to Launch Halo Arc for Zcash Later This Year
The Zerocoin Electric Coin Co LLC (ECC) has announced the launch of a product suite named Halo Arc for Zcash on Monday, April 13, 2021. Zcash is a cryptocurrency that guarantees and safeguards the users’ personal and transactional data while keeping it completely confidential, although still being...
Rising Sun Removed From Street Fighter II In Capcom Arcade Stadium
E. Honda’s Street Fighter II bathhouse stage is iconic. On the back wall is a mural with Mount Fuji, a kabuki actor, and the Rising Sun design. The mountain and the thespian stay in Capcom Arcade Stadium’s re-release, but the ray design does not.Read more
Fighting Games Have Come A Long Way
It’s common knowledge that fighting game sprites have grown larger and more refined as technology has improved, at least in those rare few games that still use them. But I never truly appreciated how big of a difference there is between the classics and their modern counterparts before now.Read more
Dragon Ball FighterZ Adds Super Baby 2, Whoever The Heck That Is
Dragon Ball FighterZ has gone off the rails. I can understand, on some level, the thousands of Goku variations that make up its cast. I’ll even overlook the two Brolys, if only because both versions are so popular. But recent reports that the Arc System Works fighting game is getting Super Baby...
[aktualita] Azure Arc: Microsoft umožňuje spravovat různé cloudy i hardware z jednoho místa
Microsoft minulý týden na konferenci Ignite 2019 v Orlandu představil novinku, která z jeho pohledu představuje důležitý krok v tom, jak vytěžit co největší tržní podíl v takzvaných hybridních cloudech a prostředích. Jde o Azure Arc, který částečně navazuje na Azure Stack („malý Azure“ běžící...
Movin’ Modals Along a Path
Modals always be just appearin'. You might see one once in a while that slides in from one of the edges, or uses some kind of scale/opacity thing to appear from "above" or "below." But we can get weirder than that. Why not have them come in on an offset-path?
Just a swoopy arc is kinda fun.
Kamerka Revl Arc, která chce zničit nadvládu GoPro, míří do prodeje
Před více než rokem o ní mnohá média psala jako o zabijákovi GoPro, jenže zatímco GoPro své outdoorové kamery zvesela prodávalo dál, na projekt Revl Arc z Indiegoga se úspěšně zapomnělo.
Tvůrci maličké kamery slibovali nahrávání videa ve 4K, nejlepší stabilizaci videa na trhu díky kombinaci