
Nalezeno "developers.": 77

Your first performance budget with Lighthouse

Ire Aderinokun writes about a new way to set a performance budget (and stick to it) with Lighthouse, Google’s suite of tools that help developers see how performant and accessible their websites are: Until recently, I also hadn't setup an official performance budget and enforced it. This isn’t...

Making Web Components for Different Contexts

This article isn’t about how to build web components. Caleb Williams already wrote a comprehensive guide about that recently. Let’s talk about how to work with them, what to consider when making them, and how to embrace them in your projects. If you are new to web components, Caleb’s guide is...

How to Get a Progressive Web App into the Google Play Store

PWA (Progressive Web Apps) have been with us for some time now. Yet, each time I try explaining it to clients, the same question pops up: "Will my users be able to install the app using app stores?" The answer has traditionally been no, but this changed with Chrome 72 which shipped a new feature...

KV Storage

localStorage is... Good! It's an incredibly easy API to use. localStorage.setItem('name', 'Chris'); let name = localStorage.getItem('name'); Bad! Philip Walton explains why: localStorage is a synchronous API that blocks the main thread, and any time you access it you potentially prevent your...

The Client/Server Rendering Spectrum

I've definitely been guilty of thinking about rendering on the web as a two-horse race. There is Server-Side Rendering (SSR, like this WordPress site is doing) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR, like a typical React app). Both are full of advantages and disadvantages. But, of course, the conversation...

Google Fonts and font-display

The font-display descriptor in @font-face blocks is really great. It goes a long way, all by itself, for improving the perceived performance of web font loading. Loading web fonts is tricky stuff and having a tool like this that works as well as it does is a big deal for the web. It's such a...

What makes someone a good front-end developer?

We recently covered this exact same thing, but from the perspective of a bunch of developers. Chris Ferdinandi weighs in: The least important skills for a front-end developer to have are technical ones. The nuances of JavaScript. How to use a particular library, framework, or build tool. How...

Souhrn 47. týdne

The Mine. Phantomatic. OpenStreetMap spolek. 25 let .CZ. Videa z Internet a Technologie 18. Practical Cryptography for Developers. Hyperscript Tagged Markup. CMS.js

Announcing Advanced Vue Hawaii!

After few months of preparations I am very excited to present Advanced Vue Hawaii: a 3-day immersive Vue Training for Web Developers. A great opportunity to learn Vue while getting away for few day

Here’s the thing about “unused CSS” tools

There are a lot of tools that aim to help you remove "unused CSS" from your project. Never a week goes by that I don't see a tool for this being shared or promoted. It must strike some kind of perfect chord for some developers. I care about performance, and I know that reducing file sizes is good...

cite and blockquote – reloaded

The definitions of the blockquote and cite elements in the HTML specification have recently been updated. This article explains what the changes mean for developers. Russian translation: Сite и blockquote: перезагрузка blockquote definition updated The blockquote element represents content that ...

cite and blockquote – reloaded

The definitions of the blockquote and cite elements in the HTML specification have recently been updated. This article explains what the changes mean for developers. Russian translation: Сite и blockquote: перезагрузка blockquote definition updated The blockquote element represents content that ...

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