
Nalezeno "ford": 105

The cometh: The rise and fall of the Game Boy’s weirdest rivals

There was a time—from roughly April of 1989 until the mobile revolution of the last 10 years—when “mobile gaming” meant something very different to the vast majority of people. Specifically, it meant Nintendo. Even as the Console Wars raged at home, the Japanese giant’s iron-fingered...

Compare Which Presidents Had the Tackiest Office Decor

The Oval Office is the closest thing the U.S. has to a throne room. It is the inner-sanctum of the presidency. Most of us know it through news broadcasts, photos published by the news media, and its many depictions in pop-culture, and we know there’s a desk, some flags, a couple couches, and...

Chaos Walking Has Too Much Walking, Too Little Chaos

Actually, let me take that back slightly—there is quite a lot of chaos in Chaos Walking, but only in the sense that attempting to navigate a coherent arc through its jumbled, disjointed scenes is a frustratingly messy ask of its audience. Despite its big names, Chaos Walking’s languid energy...

The Brightness Slider Is The Dimmest Idea In Video Games

“Retinas are fried after cranking up brightness to see enemies.” That is the headline of a Reddit post submitted one month ago to the Call of Duty: Cold War subreddit. His plight is achingly familiar. “It’s literally so difficult to see enemies in this game,” they write. So they delved under...

Henry Ford’s Energy Standard: A 100-Year Old Bitcoin Prediction

Henry Ford. On December 4, 1921, The New York Tribune published a story detailing a plan by inventor Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, to replace the existing gold-backed currency system into one based on an “energy currency.” This article delves into Ford’s ambitious plan and...

Ford a McDonald's hodlají vyrábět z odpadu po pražení kávy automobilové díly

Co se stane, když spojíte automobilku Ford a řetězec rychlého občerstvení McDonald's? Ne, tak nezačíná žádný vypečený vtípek, ale další krok v boji proti změně globálního klimatu. V jeho rámci chce výrobce automobilů využít odpad z kávy k výrobě dílů. Místo toho, aby byly zbytky po výrobě kávy

Volvo to Implement Blockchain Cobalt Traceability; Joins Ford, VW, and IBM

The Swedish automaker, Volvo Cars, has joined the RSBN (Responsible Sourcing Blockchain Network) consortium, for ethically sourcing minerals utilized in electric cars. With this move, Volvo has now joined an elaborate list of entities that are already a part of the initiative, such as Ford,...

Ford v listopadu představí elektrické SUV inspirované ikonickým Mustangem

Již od dubna kolují informace o elektromobilu, který automobilka Ford připravuje pod kódovým označením „Mach 1“. Plně elektrický vůz s dlouhým dojezdem chtěl výrobce ukázat ještě před koncem tohoto roku. Nyní je jisté, že plánovaný termín s rezervou stihne – představení novinky proběhne 17.

Ford Uses Blockchain Technology to Track Its Green Miles Project

In yet another innovative application of blockchain, American automaker Ford has decided to use open ledger technology along with geofencing techniques to track the distance covered by its energy-efficient vehicles. The company has given the name “Green Miles” to this project. Ford has announced...

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