
Nalezeno "frontend": 80

A Recap of Frontend Development in 2019

I noted Trey Huffine’s 2018 version of this article in The Great Divide. To put a point on this divide a bit more, consider this article by Trey Huffine, "A Recap of Frontend Development in 2018." It's very well done! It points to big moments this year, shows interesting data, and makes...

How We Perform Frontend Testing on StackPath’s Customer Portal

Nice post from Thomas Ladd about how their front-end team does testing. The list feels like a nice place to be: TypeScript - A language, but you're essentially getting various testing for free (passing the right arguments and types of variables) Jest - Unit tests. JavaScript functions are doing...

Become a Front-End Master in 2020 With These 10 Project Ideas

This is a little updated cross-post from a quickie article I wrote on DEV. I'm publishing here 'cuz I'm all IndieWeb like that. I love this post by Simon Holdorf. He's got some ideas for how to level up your skills as a front-end developer next year. Here they are: Build a movie search app using...

[aktualita] Koší mění vzhled e-shopu i backand

Potravinový eshop Koší přišel s kompletně novou podobou svého webu, ta souvisí s přechodem e-shopu na nový informační systém v pozadí, který řídí logistiku a sklad. Zjednodušený design webu by měl umožnit hlavně snazší orientaci během nakupování, bsahuje ale také několik nových funkcí....

Learn Design for Developers and SVG Animation with Sarah Drasner ✨????

(This is a sponsored post.) Hey, Marc here from Frontend Masters — excited to support CSS-Tricks ❤️! Have you checked out Sarah Drasner's courses yet? She has two awesome courses on Design for Developers and SVG! Plus another introducing Vue.js! Design for Developers In...

Micro Frontends

One random day not long ago, I started hearing joke after joke about "micro frontends" — sort of how I first learned about Toast. I didn't understand the source until asking around, which uncovered this article from Cam Jackson. In this article we'll describe a recent trend of breaking...

Handling File Uploads in GraphQL and Vue

In this tutorial, I'll be showing you how to hand file uploads in GraphQL by building a fullstack app. The tutorial will be divided into two main sections: building the GraphQL API and the frontend

New ECMAScript Modules in Node v12

If you’re familiar with popular JavaScript frontend frameworks like React, Angular, etc, then the concept of ECMAScript won’t be entirely new to you. ES Modules have the import and

Annotated Build Processes

When you're putting together a build process for a site, it's so dang useful to look at other people's processes. I ran across Andrew Welch's "An Annotated webpack 4 Config for Frontend Web Development" the other day and was glad he blogged it. If I was kicking off a new site where I wanted...

Forms, Auth and Serverless Functions on Gatsby and Netlify

Abstracting infrastructure is in our DNA. Roads, schools, water supply networks—you get the idea. Web development is no exception: serverless architectures are a beautiful expression of that phenomenon. Static sites, in particular, are turning into dynamic, rich experiences. Handling static...

Free Introduction to Web Development Workshop

Brian Holt and the Frontend Masters team are putting on a free workshop today and tomorrow that is live-streamed for anyone that's interested. This is super cool because, despite the fact that there is a mountain of articles about web development out there, there are only few that start with...

Collective #415

Warrior.js * Math and front-end * Unicode Patterns * Record Label Logos * Make Frontend Shit Again * ScrollHint Collective #415 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Jaký byl rok 2017 ve webdesignu

Co oboru přinesl loňský rok? Když dovolíte, vezmu to zcela subjektivně, očima frontend designéra a autora Vzhůru dolů

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