Ukrajinský taktický pozemní dron Centaur uveze až půl tuny nákladu
Společnost A.Drones vyvíjí nové taktické robotické víceúčelové vozidlo • Tzv. Centaur bude disponovat různými moduly • Může přepravovat těžké náklady nebo třeba provádět průzkum
Bitcoin Taxation Support Growing Industry – Here are 5 Useful Cryptocurrency Tax Calculators
For crypto owners looking to estimate how much they owe in taxes, there are some platforms with a free crypto tax calculator. They integrate with major crypto exchanges and wallets, allowing you to import your crypto transaction data and start calculating your taxes for free. Some of them also...
German Economy in Risk of Recession Amid Weak Demand, Tariff Threat, and Epidemic
Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe, is facing renewed challenges that may soon push it towards recession. Falling industrial production and dwindling factory orders are the prime cause of concern. The negative results have been announced on the backdrop of weak demand from Eurozone...
Snowpack. Love that name. This is the new thing from the Pika people, who are on to something. It's a bundler alternative, in a sense. It runs over packages you pull from npm to make sure that they are ES module-compatible (native imports).
This is how I digest it. When you write a line of code...
VeChain Unveils Food Tracing Solution Foodgates at China’s Import Expo
VeChain formally launches Foodgates blockchain platform in China following a meeting between Presidents of China and France
Perfektní start: Raketa Antares vynesla loď Cygnus se 4 tunami nákladu
Perfektní start: Raketa Antares vynesla loď Cygnus se 4 tunami nákladu
Introducing Sass Modules
Sass just launched a major new feature you might recognize from other languages: a module system. This is a big step forward for @import. one of the most-used Sass-features. While the current @import rule allows you to pull in third-party packages, and split your Sass into manageable "partials,"...
10 Tax Tools to Help Crypto Owners
While tax laws on cryptocurrency vary by jurisdiction, there are many useful tools to help you calculate crypto taxes, lower your tax liabilities, and simplify your filing — no matter where you are. Many of them work globally, supporting tax forms of multiple countries, and can import data...
Weekly Platform News: Text Spacing Bookmarklet, Top-Level Await, New AMP Loading Indicator
In this week's roundup, a handy bookmarklet for inspecting typography, using await to tinker with how JavaScript modules import one another, plus Facebook's in-app browser is only posing as one. Let's get into the news!
Check if your content breaks after increasing text spacing
Dylan Barrell from...
Run useEffect Only Once
React has a built-in hook called useEffect. Hooks are used in function components. The Class component comparison to useEffect are the methods componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount.
useEffect will run when the component renders, which might be more times than you think....
Miners Flock to Iran Where Bitcoin Mining Is Set to Be Sanctioned
According to regional reports, the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) is planning to allow licensed cryptocurrency mining as long as operations are charged for electricity based on the price of export. The CBI governor, Abdol Nasser Hemmati, explained that mined cryptocurrencies should flow back into...
New ECMAScript Modules in Node v12
If you’re familiar with popular JavaScript frontend frameworks like React, Angular, etc, then the concept of ECMAScript won’t be entirely new to you. ES Modules have the import and
Naložte to pořádně! Jak vypadá přeprava nadměrného nákladu
Naložte to pořádně! Jak vypadá přeprava nadměrného nákladu
KV Storage
localStorage is...
Good! It's an incredibly easy API to use.
localStorage.setItem('name', 'Chris'); let name = localStorage.getItem('name');
Bad! Philip Walton explains why:
localStorage is a synchronous API that blocks the main thread, and any time you access it you potentially prevent your...
Next Genpm
So many web projects use npm to pull in their dependencies, for both the front end and back. npm install and away it goes, pulling thousands of files into a node_modules folder in our projects to import/require anything. It's an important cog in the great machine of web development.
While I don't...
New CodePen Feature: Prefill Embeds
I've very excited to have this feature released for CodePen. It's very progressive enhancement friendly in the sense that you can take any <pre> block of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (or any combination of them) and enhance it into an embed, meaning you can see the rendered output. It also...
[aktualita] Programy Leoše Pohla investují do vlastní tvorby přes deset procent celkových nákladů
Československá filmová společnost, která provozuje placené televizní kanály CS film, WAR svět válek, CS mini a Horor film i volně dostupný dokumentární Kinosvět, připravuje na příští rok ve vlastní produkci šest dokumentárních magazínů, dvě doku dramatické série, jeden středometrážní film, dále...
Don’t just copy the @font-face out of Google Fonts URLs
I don't think this is an epidemic or anything, but I've seen it done a few times and even advocated for. This is what I mean...
You go to Google Fonts and pick a font like Open Sans, and it gives you either a <link> or an @import with a URL there in which to ready this font for usage...
3 Useful TypeScript Tips for Angular
These are the 3 tips I found pretty handy while working with Typescript:
Eliminating the need to import interfaces
Making all interface properties optional
Stop throw
Čína vyvíjí dron, který unese tunu nákladu
Největší civilní dron pro přepravu nákladů na světě vyvíjejí vědci pekingské Beihang University (dříve Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics - BUAA). Prototyp zařízení, které má uletět 1500 kilometrů zatížené až tunou nákladu, by měl být hotov v roce 2019 a první let se má uskutečnit...