
Nalezeno "ip camera": 85

How Many Users Have Already Locked Up $20K to Join Ethereum 2.0?

Ethereum is moving from a proof-of-work blockchain, where computing power determines rewards, to a proof-of-stake platform (dubbed Ethereum 2.0), whereContinue Reading The post How Many Users Have Already Locked Up $20K to Join Ethereum 2.0? appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

This Hedge Fund Wants to Invest $500 Million in Bitcoin

A massive hedge fund might be about to invest $500 million in Bitcoin — in yet another sign that institutionalContinue Reading The post This Hedge Fund Wants to Invest $500 Million in Bitcoin appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

CMC Announces Next CoinMarketCap Earn Campaign With Orchid

CoinMarketCap Earn, a place for crypto enthusiasts to learn more about how a cryptoasset works while earning crypto rewards, hasContinue Reading The post CMC Announces Next CoinMarketCap Earn Campaign With Orchid appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

Is Impermanent Loss Overblown?: Flipside Crypto

Is Impermanent Loss Overblown? The use of decentralized exchanges (DEXes) has skyrocketed this year, with volumes deposited going from underContinue Reading The post Is Impermanent Loss Overblown?: Flipside Crypto appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

Failed Sybil Attack Targeted Monero Users, Privacy Is Safe

Monero was targeted by an attempted Sybil attack that ultimately failed, according to reports from project developer Riccardo Spagni. AttackerContinue Reading The post Failed Sybil Attack Targeted Monero Users, Privacy Is Safe appeared first on CoinMarketCap Blog

How to Create a Realistic Motion Blur with CSS Transitions

Before we delve into making a realistic motion blur in CSS, it’s worth doing a quick dive into what motion blur is, so we can have a better idea of what we’re trying to reproduce. Have you ever taken a photo of something moving quickly, especially under low light, and it turned into a blurry...

The Department of Useless Images

Gerry McGovern: The Web is smothering in useless images. These clichéd, stock images communicate absolutely nothing of value, interest or use. They are one of the worst forms of digital pollution because they take up space on the page, forcing more useful content out of sight. They also slow down...

Data URIs

We’re all familiar with traditional URI protocols like https, http, ftp, and file, but data URIs have become a large part of our online strategy. We can use them to display images, the Mac camera and webcams, and more. But what if we simply want to use a data URI to convey basic data? Typing...

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