Report: Knife-Wielding Man Arrested At Genshin Impact Developer's Headquarters
According to Sina, one of China’s largest news portals, a man was recently arrested at Mihoyo’s Shanghai headquarters. It is believed the suspect intended to stab the company’s founders and then take his own life.Read more
Bungie Is Looking To Expand The Destiny 2 Universe
Yesterday, Bungie announced some big plans over the next few years, including new offices, new games, and a new leadership team seemingly in charge of branching out the the Destiny 2 universe into other media.Read more
Alibaba Acquires NetEase for $2 Billion as Luxury Push Gathers Pace
The e-commerce industry in China has grown at a truly remarkable pace over the last decade and the company that has decisively emerged as the biggest player in the industry is Alibaba. It is one of the biggest e-commerce companies in the world and due to the sheer size of the Chinese market,...
[aktualita] Alibaba kupuje od NetEase za 2 miliardy dolarů online prodejce zahraničního zboží Kaola
Čínský e-commerce gigant Alibaba Group kupuje od čínské internetové společnosti NetEase, která se specializuje na vývoj a distribuci her, za dvě miliardy dolarů internetový obchod Kaola. Informuje o tom web ekonomické televizní stanice CNBC. Koala představuje obří čínský e-shop, který...