
Nalezeno "petro": 135

Online Data Analysis Points to Venezuela Accepting BTC for Passports

During the last week, a number of bitcoiners have been discussing Venezuela’s Administrative Service for Identification, Migration, and Foreigners, also known as SAIME accepting bitcoin payments for passport applications and renewals. A number of crypto journalists couldn’t confirm...

Petro for Petrol, Karpeles' Guilt, Cotten's Ponzi, Frozen Bitmain + More News

Crypto Briefs is your daily, bite-sized digest of cryptocurrency and blockchain-related news – investigating the stories flying under the radar of today’s crypto news. Crypto adoption news The Venezuelan government says that 15% of fuel payments at petrol stations were made in petro (PTR) in...

How Have Petro Prices Stayed Stable While Crude Oil Falls Below USD 0?

The coronavirus pandemic has wrought financial chaos for all sorts of assets and commodities – including a massive crypto dip and plummeting oil prices. But with a barrel of crude diving into the negative zone earlier this week before recovering – a crypto-related mystery is developing. How is that...

Venezuela’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic? More Petro!

Venezuela’s economic situation – already perilous before the coronavirus pandemic – is now worsening due to the spread of the deadly disease. And with the fiat bolivar struggling, Caracas once again appears to be turning to its own, oil-backed token, the petro (PTR), in the search for economic...

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