
Nalezeno "reboot": 75

Final Fantasy XI Reboot Cancelled After Six Years Of Nothingness

You will probably not remember this, but back in 2015, Nexon and Square Enix announced a mobile version of Final Fantasy XI that was due for release in 2016. It did not come out in 2016, or 2017, or 2018, or 2019, or 2020, and now will never be coming out, since it’s finally been put out of...

The Digimon Reboot Said 'Workers' Rights'

In both the original Digimon Adventure and the new reboot, each of the chosen human children brought to the Digital World to partner with a Digimon has a special emotional affinity that, when activated, helps give their Digimon the power to evolve. Some of the kids’ specialties, like Taichi’s...

How to build a slide deck in PowerPoint that isn’t god awful

"Oooh! A PowerPoint Presentation!" — No one ever Nobody likes a slide show. I don't even have to back that assertion up with evidence. It's a universal truth — like saying "the sky is blue", "the grass is green" or "The Mummy with Tom Cruise is the worst movie ever made." And if...

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