
Nalezeno "safari": 113

New in Chrome 88: aspect-ratio

And it was released yesterday! The big news for us in CSS Land is that the new release supports the aspect-ratio property. This comes right on the heels of Safari announcing support for it in Safari Technology Preview 118, … The post New in Chrome 88: aspect-ratio appeared first...

`aspect-ratio` is going to deprecate FitVids

Jen was just tweetin’ about how the latest Safari Technical Preview has aspect-ratio. Looks like Chrome and Firefox both have it behind a flag, so with Safari joining the party, we’ll all have it soon. I played with it … The post `aspect-ratio` is going to deprecate FitVids...

CSS Individual Transform Properties in Safari Technology Preview

The WebKit blog details how to use individual CSS Transform properties in the latest version of Safari Technology Preview. This brings the browser in line with the CSS Transforms Module Level 2 spec, which breaks out the translate(), … The post CSS Individual Transform Properties in Safari...

Google Stadia na iOS zamíří také oklikou přes web a prohlížeč Safari

Vyhodíte je dveřmi, oni se vrátí oknem. Apple dal před pár měsíci najevo, že v ekosystému iOS nemá o streamované hraní zájem. Nebo má, ale bude muset každou jednotlivou hru dostupnou v cloudu schvalovat on sám, s čímž zase mají problém provozovatelé služeb. Ti si teď ale našli cestu, jak pravidla

Stroke Text CSS: The Definitive Guide

Whenever I think of stroked text on the web I think: nope. There is -webkit-text-stroke in CSS for it, but it places that stroke in the middle of the vector outline of the characters, absolutely ensuring that the character doesn’t look right. Just look at this in Chrome or Safari. Gross....

Here’s How I Solved a Weird Bug Using Tried and True Debugging Strategies

Remember the last time you dealt with a UI-related bug that left you scratching your head for hours? Maybe the issue was happening at random, or occurring under specific circumstances (device, OS, browser, user action), or was just hidden in one of the many front-end technologies that are part...

Copy the Browser’s Native Focus Styles

Remy documented this the other day. Firefox supports a Highlight keyword and both Chrome and Safari support a -webkit-focus-ring-color keyword. So if you, for example, have removed focus from something and want to put it back in the same style as the browser default, or want to apply a focus style...

Apple declined to implement 16 Web APIs in Safari due to privacy concerns

Why? Fingerprinting. Rather than these APIs being used for what they are meant for, they end up being used for gross ad tech. As in, “hey, we don’t know exactly who you are, but wait, through a script we can tell your phone stopped being idle from 8:00 am to 8:13 am and were near...

Apple zazdí univerzální webové aplikace. Safari si s mnohými nebude rozumět

Webové stránky dnes mohou využívat celou řadu API, díky čemuž mnohdy mohou funkčně dorovnat klasické aplikace. Apple ale nyní proti některým zakročí a znemožní přístup k některým informacím v rámci Safari. Na přetřes se dostalo 16 nových API, které Apple odmítl implementovat do svého Safari.

WebP Image Support Coming to iOS 14

Apple announced a ton of new updates at yesterday’s WWDC20 keynote address, from new hardware to updated applications. There’s lots to gawk at and enough device-envy to go around. But there’s one little line in the Safari 14 Beta release notes that caught my eye: Added WebP image...

Everything You Need to Know About FLIP Animations in React

With a very recent Safari update, Web Animations API (WAAPI) is now supported without a flag in all modern browsers (except IE).  Here’s a handy Pen where you can check which features your browser supports. The WAAPI is a nice way to do animation (that needs to be done in JavaScript) because...

Can JavaScript Detect the Browser’s Zoom Level?

No, not really. My first guess was that this was intentionally not exposed in browsers because browsers intentionally don’t want us fighting it — or making well-intentioned but bad-outcome decisions based on that info. But I don’t see any evidence of that. StackOverflow answers paint...

Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts 

Safari 13.1 just shipped support for CSS Shadow Parts. That means the ::part() selector is now supported in Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari, and Firefox. We’ll see why it’s useful, but first a recap on shadow DOM encapsulation… The benefits of shadow DOM encapsulation I work at giffgaff where we have...

CSS Findings From The New Facebook Design

Ahmad Shadeed digs around the new Facebook’s front-end code. One that stood out to me: .element { inset: 4px 0; /* Which is equivalent to: top: 4px, bottom: 4px, left: 0, right: 0 */ } Whaaat? This is the first I’ve heard of the inset property. Ahmad said he saw it working...

CSS :nth-of-class selector

That's not a thing. But it kinda is! Bram covers how frustrating .bar:nth-child(2) is. It's not "select the second element of class .bar." It's "select the second element if it also has the class .bar." The good news? There is a real selector that does the former: :nth-child(2 of .bar) { } Safari...

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