
Nalezeno "skyrim": 128

Elden Ring First-Person Mod Offers A New Way To Get Your Ass Kicked

Elden Ring is good. But what if you took the normally third-person action-RPG and turned it into a first-person adventure similar to Skyrim or Fallout? What would that look like? How would it play? Well, a new mod answers all those questions in a slick and well-made manner. Read more

In Sons Of The Forest, Everybody Loves Kelvin

Where Skyrim had Lydia, the latest big Steam survival hit—Sons of the Forest—has Kelvin. He’s there to help, no matter how much his ears bleed, and people absolutely love the adorable, lobotomized handyman.Read more

Apparently The $70 Skyrim Anniversary Edition On Switch Runs Like Crap

Another year, another busted version of Skyrim. After being on the market for over a decade, Bethesda’s game that never dies just saw its Anniversary Edition update hit Nintendo Switch. (This edition, which hit other platforms last year, includes a new fishing mini-game along with other exclusive...

$70 Version Of Skyrim Quietly Appears On Nintendo Switch

Almost a year after it came to every other platform, Skyrim: Anniversary Edition surprise-launched on the Nintendo Switch today. The newest version of the beloved 2011 open-world RPG includes a bunch of DLC, mod content, and fishing. It’s also $70 on Nintendo’s handheld hybrid. Gotham Knights...

Nová modifikace dělá ze Skyrimu mimořádně brutální záležitost

Fanouškovská modifikace legendární hry Skyrim bez příkaz ukáže, jaké dopady má násilí na lidské tělo. Nebožáci zasažení ohněm, elektřinou nebo mrazem se díky ní rozpadají daleko realističtěji než dosud, při zásahu do hlavy jim dokonce může i vypadnout oko

This Is What A Video Game In Development Looks Like

Last night a ton of videos leaked online that are likely from Grand Theft Auto VI, a video game currently in development and probably years away from release. The footage is rough, in many instances using little more than placeholder assets, and it is both the most remarkable and most normal thing...

It’s Skyrim, But With Shadow Of Mordor’s Brilliant Nemesis System

It’s come back with a vengeance. Yes, Shadow of Mordor’s brilliant Nemesis system has languished for half a decade. But one enterprising modder recently resurrected the tech (kinda) by adding it to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Bethesda’s decade-old fantasy RPG.Read more

Skyrim Co-Op Mod Released, Mostly Actually Works

I know there have been a lot of attempts at releasing multiplayer mods for Skyrim over the years, but none of those have been as ambitious as the co-op mod Skyrim Together Reborn, which aims to get between 2-8 players running around in the same game, completing the same quests and fighting the same...

Bethesda Keeps Hiring The Fans Creating Fallout: London

Fallout: London looks great! It honestly could pass as a real, official expansion if you showed it to someone who had no idea it was a fan-created mod. And apparently the company behind Fallout, Bethesda, agrees that London looks marvelous because it keeps hiring up the ambitious mod’s...

The Nintendo Switch Has A Big Summer Sale Right Now

The dog days of summer are officially here. Whether you’re trying to take your mind off the heat or the bad headlines, you’re in luck: Nintendo is currently running a major sale on digital Switch games. Cool off with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze or mind-meld with a sentient hat in Super...

Starfield Sounds Way Too Big

“These aren’t just backdrops,” Bethesda’s Todd Howard told game journalists while pointing to a mountain range off in the distance during an E3 2011 demo for The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. “You can go up to the top of that mountain.” That line and the promise behind it is infamous now, memed throughout...

Nejočekávanější RPG se konečně ukázalo. Starfield bude Skyrim ve vesmíru

Po mnoha letech vábení a neurčitých informací jsme konečně dostali možnost vidět několik minut z chystaného vesmírného nástupce sérií The Elder Scrolls a Fallout. Každý, kdo snad od Starfieldu čekal nějaký zásadní posun, musel být navzdory krásné grafice zklamán, fanouškům ovšem zřejmě hra nabídne...

Skyrim Player Recreates Themselves Perfectly In-Game

The very first time I played Skyrim back in 2011 I rushed through the character creation and made a guy that ended up looking like Matt Pike, which ruled. The second time, though, I spent an age trying to put myself in the game and couldn’t get anywhere near it.Read more

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