
Nalezeno "tasks": 73


You're faced with a lot of decisions in everyday work. There are multiple tasks calling for your focus, and you can burn daylight or even burn out trying to decide what comes first. There's a phenomenon called decision fatigue. There have been many studies that you can make poor choices when you're...

How to Earn Bitcoin Cash Income

Earning cryptocurrency income online has become increasingly popular for more people around the world. Many employers and marketplaces are now offering jobs and tasks that pay in cryptocurrencies. The top 10 ways to earn bitcoin cash are outlined in the latest installment from’s...

7 Useful JavaScript Tricks

Just like every other programming language, JavaScript has dozens of tricks to accomplish both easy and difficult tasks. Some tricks are widely known while others are enough to blow your mind. Let’s have a look at {x} JavaScript tricks you can start using today! Get Unique Values of an Array...

Make it hard to screw up driven development

Development is complicated. Our job is an ongoing battle between getting the job done and doing that job in a safe, long-lasting way. Developers say things like, "I'm just going to do this quick and dirty first," because it's taken as fact that if you code anything quickly, it not only will...

Using Local with Flywheel

Have you seen Local by Flywheel? It's a native app for helping set up local WordPress developer environments. I absolutely love it and use it to do all my local WordPress development work. It brings a lovingly designed GUI to highly technical tasks in a way that I think works very well. Plus...

Gulp for WordPress: Creating the Tasks

This is the second post in a two-part series about creating a Gulp workflow for WordPress theme development. Part one focused on the initial installation, setup, and organization of Gulp in a WordPress theme project. This post goes deep into the tasks Gulp will run by breaking down what each task...

Gulp for WordPress: Initial Setup

This is the first part of a two-part series on creating a Gulp workflow for WordPress theme development. This first part covers a lot of ground for the initial setup, including Gulp installation and an outline of the tasks we want it to run. If you're interested in how the tasks are created, then...

How to make a modern dashboard with NVD3.js

NVD3.js is a JavaScript visualization library that is free to use and open source. It’s derived from the well-known d3.js visualization library. When used the right way, this library can be extremely powerful for everyday tasks and even business operations. For example, an online dashboard. We...

Automate Your Workflow with Node

You know those tedious tasks you have to do at work: Updating configuration files, copying and pasting files, updating Jira tickets. Time adds up after a while. This was very much the case when I worked for an online games company back in 2016. The job could be very rewarding at times when I had...

Uppy File Uploading

One of the big tasks I was charged with at my first job was setting up a system by which any customer or potential customer (aka anonymous user) could upload PDF and image files. I had loads of constraints to deal with: browser support, server settings, variance in user tech knowledge, etc....

Node.js Cron Jobs By Examples

Ever wanted to do specific things on your application server at certain times without having to physically run them yourself. You want to spend more of your time worrying about productive tasks ins

Google vypustil nové Tasks. Zkombinují úkoly napříč službami

Google dnes vypustil důležitou aktualizaci své staré služby Tasks, česky Úkoly. Služba má za úkol sjednotit správu úkolů napříč všemi produkty Googlu, zatím se jí to ale nedaří a některá propojení nefungují. Na webu jsou nové Úkoly součástí nově redesignovaného Gmailu, na mobilech mají

Exchange Rates and Currency Conversion with (Sponsored)

My most stressful tasks as a coder have always revolved around money.  Whether you’re coding a site for a client, your own business, or your employer, you want to be damn sure that any handling of currency is accurate, secure, and localized.  We always want our code to work but when...

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