
Nalezeno "blockchain technology": 910

Blockchain Technology Set to Take Off in Aerospace and Defense Sectors

The Aerospace industry is using cutting edge technologies to AI, robotics, data analytics, and cloud computing to cut down costs and increase safety and reliability. Blockchain technology is the latest to catch the attention of the Aerospace industry. With its features like availability of...

Blockchain Proxy-Voting to Aid Shareholder Engagement in Organizations

The present era is of globalization where the technological advancements are shrinking the distances between the nations making the world a cozy abode of different origins, ideologies, and people. Living in the 21st century, we are very well aware of the role, digitization has played in bringing...

Online Gambling as a Startup Business Model?

Online gambling has been an industry predominantly untouched by recession and external events. It continues to thrive and has done so since online casinos were introduced via the spread of the internet. If you consider that the modern world is a lot more entrepreneurial, it begs the question if...

BiiLabs and SoftChef Jointly Launch SaaS for Encrypted IoT Data

The blockchain startup company BiiLabs and the IoT solutions provider SoftChef have undergone a collaboration, to launch a blockchain-based SaaS (software as a service) platform for M2M (machine-to-machine) encrypted IoT data. This collaboration is expected to benefit both the clients as far as...

Nasdaq Interview Features iSunOne as Blockchain Banking’s Future

The NASDAQ exchange had invited the CEO and chairman of TideiSun Group, Robin Xie and Chen Ping, respectively, in September to launch the flagship platform of their firm called iSunOne, as per Media Outreach reports dated September 30, 2019. iSunOne, a blockchain-based platform offering global...

Power Ledger Preps Up for Its Revolutionary Blockchain Energy Model

Australia based startup firm, Power Ledger which explores the energy tech niche, is gearing up to proliferate its business in Southeast Asia as the region is likely to mark its presence as the fourth-largest consumer of energy in the global sphere by 2030. In the starting phase of September 2019...

Elementus Raises $3.5M as Part of the Fund Linked to Fidelity Investments

Elementus, a startup concentrated on spotting unlawful exchanges made with digital currency, recently declared raising 3.5 million dollars, partially from a fund connected with Fidelity Investments. Elementus comes from the part of a new sector, known as blockchain analytics, which is based...

GrainChain Uses Blockchain Technology to Accelerate Honduras Coffee Industry

Keiretsu agricultural startup GrainChain, supported by Medici Ventures, has signed agreements with stakeholders of the coffee supply chain of Honduras to accelerate the coffee business on its blockchain-powered platform. The platform will furnish a platform to facilitate the coffee traders with...

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