
Nalezeno "privacy": 1838

Privacy-Focused Browser Brave Hits 50M Monthly Active Users

  Blockchain-based decentralized browser Brave (BAT) says it has passed the 50.2m monthly active users mark, thus hitting another major milestone. In comparison, reported that in October 2019 Brace reached 8m monthly active users, 10m in December that year, and 12m in March 2020....

Watch: DarkFi Team on DeFi Split, Financial Privacy, Metaverse, and More

Developers of anonymous decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol DarkFi, Amir Taaki and Rachel-Rose O'Leary, say that the development of zero-knowledge cryptography might be the key to survive a looming regulatory crypto winter which might split the DeFi industry into tightly-regulated and unusable...

Zcash Extends Rally After Proof-of-Stake Plan, Twitter Shills

The privacy-focused cryptocurrency zcash (ZEC) is being noticed by traders again after a rally of more than 50% over the past week. The rally followed news from last week that the coin will switch to a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm. At 14:27 UTC on Wednesday, ZEC was up 22.7% over the past...

On User Tracking and Industry Standards on Privacy

Inspired by Eva PenzeyMoog’s new book, Jeremy highlights the widespread user tracking situation in this industry: There was a line that really stood out to me: The idea that it’s alright to do whatever unethical thing is currently the … The post On User Tracking...

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