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This page is a truly naked, brutalist html quine.

Here’s a fun page coming from You don’t normally think “fun” with brutalist minimalism but the CSS trickery that makes it work on this page is certainly that. The HTML is literally displayed on the page as tags. So, in a sense, the HTML is both the page...

Additive Animations in CSS

Daniel C. Wilson explains how with CSS @keyframe animations, when multiple of them are applied to an element, they do both work. But if any properties are repeated, only the last one works. They override each other. I’ve seen this limitation overcome by applying keyframes to nested elements...

Websites We Like: Whimsical

Whimsical is an app that lets you create flowcharts, wireframes, and mind maps but it was only earlier today that I spotted just how great the website is — especially the product pages. Check out this page where they describe how to use the Mind Maps feature where you can use the product right...

GIFS and prefers-reduced-motion

The <picture> element has a trick it can do where it shows different image formats in different situations. If all you are interested in is formats for the sake of performance, maybe you’d do: <picture<source srcset="img/waterfall.avif" type="image/avif"<source...

Gray Burst

I made this neat little gray burst thing. It’s nothing particularly special, especially compared to the amazing creativity on CodePen, but I figured I could document some of the things happening in it for learning reasons. CodePen Embed Fallback It’s SVG SVG has <line x1 y1...

Distorted Infinite WebGL Slider with Pixi.js

In this video you'll learn how to code the infinite scrollable image slider from Lamadone Studio using Pixi.js. The post Distorted Infinite WebGL Slider with Pixi.js appeared first on Codrops

More on content-visibility

Back in August 2020, when the content-visiblity property in CSS trickled its way into Chrome browsers, Una Kravets and Vladimir Levin wrote about it and we covered it. The weirdest part is that to get the performance value out of it, you pair it with contain-intrinsic-size on these big chunks...

Comparing Various Ways to Hide Things in CSS

You would think that hiding content with CSS is a straightforward and solved problem, but there are multiple solutions, each one being unique. Developers most commonly use display: none to hide the content on the page. Unfortunately, this way of hiding content isn’t bulletproof because now that...

Creating CSS Shapes with Emoji

CSS Shapes is a standard that lets us create geometric shapes over floated elements that cause the inline contents — usually text — around those elements to wrap along the specified shapes. Such a shaped flow of text looks good in editorial designs or designs that work with text-heavy contents...

Smarter Ways to Generate a Deep Nested HTML Structure

Let’s say we want to have the following HTML structure: <div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'<div class='boo'</div</div</div</div</div That’s real a pain to write manually. And the reason why this post was born was being...

Announcing the 2020 State of CSS Survey

Last year’s State of CSS Survey yielded interesting results. There’s the quick adoption of features, like calc() and CSS custom properties. There’s also the overwhelming opinion that CSS is fun to write even as we see a growing reliance on CSS-in JS. We also saw some predictable...


Looks like the word “durable” is an emerging term in the world of serverless. As I understand it, it’s like allowing for state in places you wouldn’t normally expect to have it. For example, you call some cloud function and run some JavaScript… unless you have it...

The :focus-visible Trick

Always worth repeating: all interactive elements should have a focus style. That way, a keyboard user can tell when they have moved focus to that element. But if you use :focus alone for this, it has a side effect that a lot of people don’t like. It means that when you click (with a mouse)...

People Problems

Just the other day, Jeremy Keith wrote that problems with performance work isn’t only a matter of optimization and fixing code, but also tackling people problems: It struck me that there’s a continuum of performance challenges. On one end of the continuum, you’ve got technical issues. These can...

Full Bleed

We’ve covered techniques before for when you want a full-width element within a constrained-width column, like an edge-to-edge image within a narrower column of text. There are loads of techniques. Perhaps my favorite is this little utility class: .full-width { width: 100vw; position:...

Layoutit Grid: Learning CSS Grid Visually With a Generator

Layoutit Grid is an interactive open source CSS Grid generator. It lets you draw your designs and see the code as you go. You can interact with the code, add or remove track lines and drag them around to change the sizing — and you get to see the CSS and HTML change in real time! Add some tracks...

Netlify Edge Handlers

Some very cool news from Netlify: Edge Handlers are in Early Access (request it here). I think these couple of lines of code do a great job in explaining what an Edge Handler is: export function onRequest(event) { console.log(`Incoming request for ${event.request.url}`); ...

Run Gulp as You Open a VS Code Project

When I open my local project for this very site, there is a 100% chance that I need to run this command before anything else: gulp. I set that up fresh less than a year ago so I’m on the latest-and-greatest stuff and have my workflow just how I like it. I did a few more tweaks a few months...

Theta Network Releases Web Wallet Source Code for Transparency

California based decentralized video delivery blockchain Theta Network announced on Thursday that it has released the source code of Theta Web Wallet. In an official statement, the network stated that the primary motto behind releasing the source code is to ensure transparency on the Theta...

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