
Nalezeno "the contract": 855

nChain Obtains Blockchain-enforced Smart Contract Patent

nChain, one of the globally leading firms offering research, development, and advisory in the blockchain technology, has recently obtained the patent for the blockchain-enforced smart contracts. The company had filed for the patent back in February 2017, which has been successfully granted... Introduces Contract Trading Simulation Area

According to an announcement, the world’s leading trading company,, launched Perpetual Contract Trading Simulation Area. This contract is among the world’s most active crypto-asset contract trading markets. is a well-known platform for trading across the globe. It does not charge...

ChainX to Release Smart Contract Testing Network in Hangzhou

ChainX released its weekly report for October 28 to November 3 today. They have mentioned about the launch of promotion for the first experience of Substrate technology for EDG users. The campaign was a success; all the participants were credited with 2 PCXs in their ChainX account as a token...

McAfee Envisions DEX in a World Where Crypto Won’t Be Traded for Fiat

In a recent video posted to Twitter. John McAfee states: “Imagine a world…where fiat currency is diminishing in importance.” Instead of pointing to the adoption of crypto by big money interests, the rogue politician and radical bitcoin proponent talks of a complete flip, where...

Smart Contract Blockchains Are Struggling to Scale

Second generation blockchains were presented as being faster, cheaper, and more scalable than Bitcoin. Third generation chains (basically anything that came after Ethereum) promised even greater optimizations. In the event, these networks have run into the same difficulties as Bitcoin, with...

Meet Nimbus, a Concept for Enhancing BCH Smart Contracts

On Monday, software developer Tobias Ruck introduced a new transaction version for the BCH chain called Nimbus in a demonstration video. The introduction is a longer version of the presentation Ruck had shown at the Bitcoin Cash City conference. According to the developer, the transaction version... is planning to launch a Futures Contract for BCH (Bitcoin Cash)

The firm supported by cryptocurrency Investor Roger Ver,, is getting ready to start a futures contract for BCH (Bitcoin Cash), which is as of now the world’s fourth-biggest cryptocurrency by Coinmarketcap. is additionally working on various plans to increase... Aims to Launch BCH Futures Contract and Drive Token to #2

Roger Ver. Cryptocurrency investor Roger Ver’s cryptocurrency venture has announced that it is hoping to launch a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) futures contract on an American Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)-licensed exchange. Per a Bloomberg report,’s David Shin – the head...

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