
Nalezeno "Police": 835

India to Educate High-Ranking Police Officers on Cryptocurrency

India’s national police academy has launched a cryptocurrency course for high-ranking officers of the Indian Police Service. Among the objectives of the course are the functioning and legal aspects of cryptocurrencies, as well as investigations of cases involving digital coins. The Indian...

Aussie Govt. Employee Charged for Mining Cryptos for Personal Gains

An Aussie govt. employee has been charged for mining cryptos by modifying govt. computers for his personal gains. The name of the person has not been revealed yet. This person has been accused of mining cryptos that were worth more than AU$9,000 (US$6,184) for his own gains. The Australian Federal...

Traffic Violators – Japanese Police Are Coming for Your Crypto!

Cryptocurrency owners in Japan, beware – pay your parking fines on time, or the police will take your tokens! That appears to be the message after police in the Gifu Prefecture seized over USD 3,600 worth of cryptocurrencies from a man who had accrued years’ worth of late fees on parking violations...

Policie varuje přes spamem, kterým útočníci lákají peníze

Možná i vy jste ve své poštovní schránce nalezli e-mail, který vás nabádal k zaplacení výpalného za údajně napadený počítač. Podobný mail se objevil již dříve a někteří poškození už útočníkům zaplatili. Další články k tématu:Virus, který šířil chaos po celém světě, pochází z Ruska, tvrdí USANové...

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