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Hashnode: A Blogging Platform for Developers

Hashnode is a free platform for developer blogging. Say you’ve just finished an ambitious project and want to write about 10 important lessons you’ve learned as a developer during it. You should definitely blog it—I love that kind of blog post, myself. Making a jump into the technical debt...

Yet Another Mobile Context Menu With No Indication it Can Scroll

Remember Tyler Hall’s personal story of a UX moment where the popup sharing context menu on iOS had no visible indication that the content inside was scrollable? The thing his mom wanted to do seemed impossible iOS isn’t alone here … The post Yet Another Mobile Context Menu With...

ECMAScript proposal: JSON modules

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer looks at JSON modules, which is already live in Chrome 91 (but nothing else). It looks just like an ES Modules-style import, only you asset the type at the end. import configData from './config-data.json' assert {type: … The post ECMAScript proposal: JSON modules...

A Step-By-Step Process for Turning Designs Into Code

Turning website design files into a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is the bread and butter of many front-end web development jobs, but there’s a part of this work that doesn’t neatly fit in to tutorials on any specific … The post A Step-By-Step Process for Turning Designs Into Code...

The Nine States of Design

Here’s a really good ol’ post from way back in 2015 all about the nine states of design and how we should think all the edge cases whenever we’re building interfaces. Vince Speelman writes: Modern UI teams are designing components … The post The Nine States of Design appeared first...

Your Image Is Probably Not Decorative

Eric doesn’t mince words, especially in the title, but also in the conclusion: In modern web design and development, displaying an image is a highly intentional act. Alternate descriptions allow us to explain the content of the image, and in … The post Your Image Is Probably...

Typewriter Animation That Handles Anything You Throw at It

I watched Kevin Powell’s video where he was able to recreate a nice typewriter-like animation using CSS. It’s neat and you should definitely check it out because there are bonafide CSS tricks in there. I’m sure you’ve seen other CSS … The post Typewriter Animation That Handles Anything...

Images are hard.

Putting images on websites is incredibly simple, yes? Actually, yes, it is. You use <img> and link it to a valid source in the href attribute and you’re done. Except that there are (counts fingers) 927 things you could (and … The post Images are hard. appeared first...

Practical Use Cases for Scroll-Linked Animations in CSS with Scroll Timelines

The Scroll-Linked Animations specification is an upcoming and experimental addition to CSS. Using the @scroll-timeline at-rule and animation-timeline property this specification provides you can control the time position of regular CSS Animations by scrolling. In this post, we take a … The...

WordPress Admin Warnings in the Block Editor

We sent out an email the other week that ultimately had a <video> in the HTML markup. We send the newsletter by creating it here in the WordPress block editor, which is fetched through RSS-to-Mailchimp. Mailchimp dutifully sent it out, … The post WordPress Admin Warnings in the Block...

Of Course We Can Make a CSS-Only Clock That Tells the Current Time!

Let’s build a fully functioning and settable “analog” clock with CSS custom properties and the calc() function. Then we’ll convert it into a “digital” clock as well. All this with no JavaScript! Here’s a quick look at the clocks … The post Of Course We Can Make a CSS-Only Clock That Tells...

Some Typography Links

Glitter text — whO (I learned a name for people who go by a one-word moniker like that: Mononymous) created a builder for fancy SVG-based type. It’s a custom font with <text>, and the fancy comes in with a … The post Some Typography Links appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

How to Get a Pixel-Perfect, Linearly Scaled UI

Dynamically scaling CSS values based on the viewport width is hardly a new topic. You can find plenty of in-depth coverage right here on CSS-Tricks in articles like this one or this one. Most of those examples, though, use … The post How to Get a Pixel-Perfect, Linearly Scaled UI appeared...

Build Complex CSS Transitions using Custom Properties and cubic-bezier()

I recently illustrated how we can achieve complex CSS animations using cubic-bezier() and how to do the same when it comes to CSS transitions. I was able to create complex hover effect without resorting to keyframes. In this article, I … The post Build Complex CSS Transitions using Custom...

A Bashful Button Worth $8 Million

Most of us grumble when running across a frustrating UX experience online (like not being able to complete a transaction because of a misplaced button). We might pen a whiny tweet. Jason Grigsby is like I’m going to write 2,000 … The post A Bashful Button Worth $8 Million appeared...

Links on React and JavaScript

As a day-job, React-using person, I like to stay abreast of interesting React news. As such, I save a healthy amount of links. Allow me to dump out my latest pile. Most of this is about React but not all … The post Links on React and JavaScript appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Meta Theme Color and Trickery

Starting with Version 15, Safari supports the theme-color <meta> tag both on macOS and iOS. That’s exciting news because now the first desktop browser supports this <meta> tag and it also supports the media attribute and the prefers-color-scheme media feature.… The post Meta...

Jamstack Community Survey 2021

(This is a sponsored post.) The folks over at Netlify have opened up the Jamstack Community Survey for 2021. More than 3,000 front-enders like yourself took last year’s survey, which gauged how familiar people are with the … The post Jamstack Community Survey 2021 appeared first...

Jamstack Community Survey 2021

The folks over at Netlify have opened up the Jamstack Community Survey for 2021. More than 3,000 front-enders like yourself took last year’s survey, which gauged how familiar people are with the term “Jamstack” and which frameworks they … The post Jamstack Community Survey...

Meet `:has`, A Native CSS Parent Selector

The reasons that are often cited that make container queries difficult or impossible is things like infinite loops—e.g. changing the width of an element, invalidating a container query, which changes the width again, which makes the container query take effect, … The post Meet `:has`,...

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