Call Of Duty: Warzone Players Hunting Glitchers Who Spawn Unlimited Juggernauts
The massive armored suit upgrades known as juggernauts are proliferating in Call of Duty: Warzone thanks to a new glitch, leading some skilled players to go out of their way to hunt down opponents who are using them.Read more
Activision Blizzard Suing Netflix Over Poached Exec
For those of you who love corporate beef, here’s a whopper: Activision Blizzard is suing Netflix. As reported by Deadline, Netflix poached a top Activision exec, chief financial officer Spencer Neumann, before his contract expired. In response, Activision filed suit in the Superior Court...
World Of Warcraft Shadowlands’ Alt-Leveling System Is A Refreshing Change
Unlike World of Warcraft’s Legion and Battle For Azeroth expansions, which gave players a choice on which zones to level up their characters, Shadowlands’ story campaign is very linear. Fortunately you only have to play through it once. With the new Threads of Fate mode, players who’ve reached...
Těžké časy tvůrců videoher. Activision Blizzard propustí 800 zaměstnanců
Výrobce videoher Activision Blizzard propustí téměř 800 zaměstnanců, což je zhruba osm procent celkové pracovní síly. Firma se po rekordních výsledcích v loňském roce připravuje na prudký pokles příjmů, uvedla agentura AP. Activision vlastní hry, jako jsou Call of Duty a Candy Crush
Call Of Duty: World At War $35 On Amazon
Those of you itching to spend some quality time early next year shooting other people in World War 2-era gear might want to hit up today's Gold Box deal, featuring COD: World At War.Read more