Russian Parliament Could Pass Digital Financial Assets Bill Next Month
Source: iStock/Baris-Ozer
Russia’s parliament, the State Duma, could pass its long-awaited crypto laws as early as March – and it appears that the impasse between pro-crypto businesses and the crypto-skeptic central bank may finally be over.
Anatoly Aksakov, the chairman of the Duma’s financial...
Peter Schiff Forgets Bitcoin Wallet Password, Blames Bitcoin
Peter Schiff hates Bitcoin almost as much as bitcoiners hate Schiff. The gold bug makes a point of dissing the cryptocurrency whenever he can, despite the hypocrisy of accepting BCT on his own website. Today, the eccentric entrepreneur found a new reason to rip on bitcoin after forgetting...
CME’s Options on Bitcoin Futures Pass Regulatory Approval and Go Live
CME’s options on Bitcoin futures are now live, following acquisition of necessary regulatory approval
There are loads of microsites and developer tools for looking at color accessibility, including tools built right into browser DevTools. They often show you if a color passes AA or AAA WCAG guidelines. But color contrast is more complicated than that because there is a wide variety of vision...
Bitcoin Is Looking at a Short-Term Bull Reversal If Prices Pass $7,400
Bitcoin needs to break above resistance near $7,400 to confirm a short-term bull reversal and invite stronger buying pressure
Tron Network Total Accounts Pass 4 Million After Samsung Partnership
How many of Tron’s 4 million accounts are active?
Casa Is Helping Bitcoin Investors Pass on Their Holdings When They Die
The bitcoin custody provider has launched a new service to help holders ensure their assets are passed to loved ones in the event of their death
No Rush to Pass Fintech Laws: Philippine Senator Grace Poe
Philippine Senator Grace Poe said that local lawmakers should not be in a hurry to pass financial technology regulation
The Specs Behind Bitcoin’s Lightning Pass Their First ‘Formal’ Security Test
A pair of researchers have released the results of a formal verification of the lightning network, saying it's "as secure as bitcoin."
Using requestAnimationFrame with React Hooks
Animating with requestAnimationFrame should be easy, but if you haven’t read React’s documentation thoroughly then you will probably run into a few things that might cause you a headache. Here are three gotcha moments I learned the hard way.
TLDR: Pass an empty array as a second parameter...
Za paušál už budou hry i aplikace do mobilu. Google testuje Play Pass
Google testuje novou službu zaměřenou na uživatele Androidu. Play Pass má být něco na způsob Apple Arcade, zjednodušeně řečeno, za fixní měsíční poplatek dostanete přístup k prémiovým hrám (i k aplikacím, což je rozdíl oproti řešení od Applu), které budou osvobozeny od reklam, skrytých poplatků
10 React Challenges (Beginner): Use Context to Pass Data
Data in React applications is usually passed to components, via props. By using props, data is sent from parent to child components.
Passing da
Na počítače zamíří Xbox Game Pass. Microsoft také slíbil lepší podporu svých her na Steamu
Microsoft se ještě před zahájením herní konference E3 pochlubil na svém blogu s novinkami, které čekají jeho divizi Xbox. Největší změnou je příchod předplatného Xbox Game Pass na počítače. Lepší podpory se ale dočká od Xbox her i Steam a na Microsoft Store budou naopak moci přibýt i Win32
Bitcoin’s Repeated Failures to Pass $8.3K Raise Risk of Price Pullback
Bitcoin has failed three times in seven days to find acceptance above $8,300, raising the risk of a notable short-term correction
Battle pass v Clash of Clans zvýšil běhe týdne příjmy o 145 procent
Autoři populární mobilní pay 2 win strategie našli novou cestu, jak na své hře vydělat další peníze. Další články k tématu:Apex Legends již přilákal desítky milionů hráčů. Proč je tak úspěšný?
The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Algorithms: Implementing a Custom Filter
In JavaScript, the .filter() function is often used to loop through an array and extract the elements that pass a certain condition specified in a callback function.
Ever wonder
[aktualita] Britský Vodafone končí s balíčky Pass, přestal je nabízet novým zákazníkům
Doplňkové balíčky Vodafone Pass, které za příplatek vyjímají určité (partnerské) aplikace z čerpání datového limitu, nemusí být tak velkým úspěchem, jak operátor čekal. Pobočka Vodafonu ve Velké Británii přestala Passy nabízet novým zákazníkům, upozornila na Twitteru firma Tefficient, která...
JavaScript Glossary: Array .every() Method
The every method checks that each element in an array passes a set test. This method will return true if all the elements pass the set. Once an element tha
New CodePen Feature: Prefill Embeds
I've very excited to have this feature released for CodePen. It's very progressive enhancement friendly in the sense that you can take any <pre> block of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (or any combination of them) and enhance it into an embed, meaning you can see the rendered output. It also...
We're in the future now so, of course, we're working on ways to speed up the web with fancy new tactics above and beyond the typical make-pages-slimmer-and-cached-like-crazy techniques.
One tactic, from years ago, was InstantClick:
Before visitors click on a link, they hover over that link. Between...