
Nalezeno "AR Game": 8548

Collective #478

#merryCSSmas * JavaScript Getter-Setter Pyramid * XmasTree Game * Ouch! * WakeLock API * Reversing an Easing Curve Collective #478 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

How to Get Green Blood in PUBG

My current video game obsession is Player Unknown’s Battleground, also referred to as PUBG.  It’s an online multiplayer game which drops yourself and 99 others into a single, large map and you battle it out until the last man is standing.  It’s frustrating, heart-attack inducing...

Collective #432 * Font Memory Game * Phenomenon * SCSScale * Tobi * Carbon * Delivering WordPress in 7KB * Un Deux Trois Collective #432 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops

Show FPS for Steam Games

There’s nothing more frustrating to a top gamer (outside of bugs in a game) than dropped frames in a video game.  If you’re playing a competitive multiplayer game like PUBG or Fortnite, where up to 100 people are simultaneously competing, dropped frames can be the difference between...

​Customize payment solutions with our enhanced platform

(This is a sponsored post.) We’ve upped our game by using developers’ feedback to improve the Authorize.Net payment platform. Check out our new, streamlined API, better sample code and SDKs, and use them to provide your merchants with a secure, scalable payment solution. You’ll see that it’s...

Nvidia rozjela v Česku kampaň na prodej grafik. Měla jeden nedostatek

Celosvětová kampaň Nvidie na podporu prodeje grafických karet dorazila i do České republiky. Její zahájení však provázel problém s dostupností nejvyšší verze grafiky 1080 Ti.Další články k tématu:Grafické karty jsou zpět v obchodech. Kryptotěžaři zkoušejí nové strojeDvacet deka pamětí a půl kila...

Foreword for CSS In Depth

Keith Grant recently released a brand new book on CSS: CSS in Depth. If you're looking for a book focused specifically on learning CSS, you've found it. I was happy to write the foreword for it, which I'll republish here. "A minute to learn... A lifetime to master." That phrase might feel...

Foreword for CSS In Depth

Keith Grant recently released a brand new book on CSS: CSS in Depth. If you're looking for a book focused specifically on learning CSS, you've found it. I was happy to write the foreword for it, which I'll republish here. "A minute to learn... A lifetime to master." That phrase might feel...

Coderetreat opět v Brně!

Coderetreat je celodenní workshop zaměřený na trénink základních programátorských dovedností. Jedná se o celosvětově používaný koncept, který má několik jasně daných pravidel a jedinou úlohu k řešení, Game of Life. Nezáleží na tom,…

Z iPhonu můžete udělat kultovního Game Boye. Stačí k tomu kryt Wanle

Pokud jste pamětníci starého Game boye a z nostalgie byste si občas rádi zahráli některé z tehdejších her, pak by se vám mohl zalíbit nápad od Wanle. Jde totiž o kryt pro iPhone, který vám bude suplovat i kapesní konzoli. Jenže pozor! Nebude k tomu využívat displej ani baterii iPhonu. Kryt

Incapsula Web Application Firewall (Sponsored)

When I speak with people who have interviewed for front-end jobs at cryptocurrency exchanges, they always tell me how surprised they are that a majority of the interview questions are security-centric.  Basic front-end security practices are fair game for all front-end developer interviews...

Nenechte se zabít. Aplikace GameFire vyždíme z každého počítače maximum

Nerušenému hraní her bez cukání či lagů se můžete oddávat díky Game Fire, na uklidnění si pak v dobře ovladatelném českém programu Ancestry vytvořit rodokmen. Projděte si naše tipy na zajímavé programy.Další články k tématu:Stáhněte si zdarma: stahování z YouTube či blokování touchpaduSoftware...

Steam Removes Game About Hiding Porn From Your Parents

At first glance, You Must Be 18 or Older to Enter doesn’t look like porn. There’s far more ASCII than ass, and the game says its goal is to explore the awkward, scary feelings that accompany a person’s first steps into sexuality. However, last week Valve yanked it because it decided the game...

Global Day of Coderetreat v Brně

Coderetreat je celodenní workshop zaměřený na trénink základních programátorských dovedností. Jedná se o celosvětově používaný koncept, který má několik jasně daných pravidel a jedinou úlohu k řešení, Game of Life. Nezáleží na tom, zda…

New Basketball Game Is Basically NBA Jam 2017

For a fun time, watch this trailer for the upcoming NBA Playgrounds—out in May—and see how close they come to saying “NBA Jam” without actually saying “NBA Jam”.Read more

The Best Video Game Control Pads

There have been many different ways of playing video games on a console (and sometimes PC) over the years. Some have been better than others.Read more

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