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10 modern layouts in 1 line of CSS

Una doing an amazing job of showing just how (dare I say it?) easy CSS layout has gotten. There is plenty to learn, but what you learn makes sense, and once you have, it’s quite empowering. The demos are all together here. Direct Link to Article — Permalink… Read article...

A Look at What’s New in Chrome DevTools in 2020

I’m excited to share some of the newer features in Chrome DevTools with you. There’s a brief introduction below, and then we’ll cover many of the new DevTools features. We’ll also look at what’s happening in some other browsers. I keep up with this stuff, as I create Dev Tips, the largest...

A Lightweight Masonry Solution

Back in May, I learned about Firefox adding masonry to CSS grid. Masonry layouts are something I’ve been wanting to do on my own from scratch for a very long time, but have never known where to start. So, naturally, I checked the demo and then I had a lightbulb moment when I understood...

Spotting a Trend

There are tons of smokin’ hot websites out there, with an equal or greater number of talented designers and developers who make them. The web is awesome like that and encourages that sort of creativity. Even so, it amazes me that certain traits find their way into things. I mean, it makes...

SVG Title vs. HTML Title Attribute

You know the title attribute? I can do this: <div title="The Title"I'm a div with a `title` </div And now if I’m on a device with a mouse pointer and hover the cursor over that element, I get… Which, uh, I guess is something. I sometimes use it for things like putting...

Getting the Most Out of Variable Fonts on Google Fonts

I have spent the past several years working (alongside a bunch of super talented people) on a font family called Recursive Sans & Mono, and it just launched officially on Google Fonts! Wanna try it out super fast? Here’s the embed code to use the full Recursive variable font family from Google...

[aktualita] CZ.NIC spouští nový DNS anycast na Slovensku, zlepšuje odezvy

CZ.NIC na Slovensku spustil nový DNS anycast, který by měl mimo jiné přinést zlepšení odezvy ve střední Evropě při dotazování konkrétního prefixu. Dotkne se to i peeringových uzlů NIX.CZ a NIX.SK, které jsou spojeny v jeden. “Umístit DNS server/y do Bratislavy se může na první pohled zdát jako...

[aktualita] Uber dnes opět začíná jezdit v Brně

Služba Uber se od 30. července vrací po tříleté pauze do brněnských ulic, jezdit ale bude tentokrát již pouze s licencovanými taxikáři (varianta služby nese název UberX). Návrat službě umožnila novela zákona o silniční dopravě. Službu Uber spouští s lokálním partnerem v podobě společnosti City...

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