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Web nás provází už 30 let, WebExpo se zaměří na jeho budoucnost

Před 30 lety v CERNu nezkoumali jen vznik vesmíru. Když tu 6. srpna 1991 spustil Tim-Berners Lee první webové stránky, zažil zde svůj velký třesk i web. A své třicáté narozeniny oslaví na WebExpu – největší technologické konferenci ve střední Evropě

Start Serving Optimized Images in Vue

Images have become extremely important to the effectiveness of websites. They speak a 1000 words, attract attention, and stimulate emotions. However, web performance is also a growing problem for most websites. And images are at the heart of many web … The post Start Serving Optimized Images...

How I Used the WAAPI to Build an Animation Library

The Web Animations API lets us construct animations and control their playback with JavaScript. The API opens the browser’s animation engine to developers and was designed to underlie implementations of both CSS animations and transitions, leaving the door open to … The post How I Used...

E3 Twitch Chat Has Been Miserable

For what feels like eons now, the E3 Pangea has threatened to break apart and scatter gaming landmasses to all corners of the Earth. Now that’s finally happening, with this year’s E3 functioning as a loose umbrella for a plethora of publisher-specific shows. This has given companies a massive stage...

'Shop Contest: Pot Goblin

E3 is here! Which means a lot of busy days for me. But it also means new video games and trailers! Exciting stuff. And one of the biggest moments so far has to be the Elden Ring gameplay trailer. Folks freaked out. A horse double jumped. It was wicked. But buried in that trailer was this year’s...

Building a Headless CMS with Fauna and Vercel Functions

In this tutorial, we will learn and use headless CMS, Fauna, and Vercel functions to build a blogging platform, Blogify After that, you can easily build any web application using a headless CMS, Fauna and Vercel functions. The post Building a Headless CMS with Fauna and Vercel Functions appeared...

WDRL — Edition 289: Simplify your life and work and new stuff on the web

Hey, this week I want to share thoughts from Jens Oliver Meiert on »Listening« with you. I wholeheartedly agree with the point raised in the text that we are at a point where we don’t listen to others anymore, where we disagree or dismiss other people’s ideas straight without reconsidering them...

Ex-Giant Bomb Duders' New Project Is Already Blowing Up On Patreon

One month after leaving Giant Bomb, foundational members Vinny Caravella, Alex Navarro, and Brad Shoemaker have started a new Patreon-supported project known as Nextlander, which so far seems to be Giant Bomb in everything but name. And, shock of all shocks, it already has over 5,000 backers.Read...

Principles for user-centered front-end development

Colin Oakley: • Accessible — Use semantic HTML, and make sure we meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standard as a minimum and it works with assisted technologies (this sits alongside the DWP Accessibility Manual) • Agnostic — Build … The post Principles for user-centered front-end...

Collective #664

CSS for Web Vitals * CSS Layout Generator * DOOM Captcha * Readsom * Boring Avatars The post Collective #664 appeared first on Codrops

Monitoring Lighthouse Scores and Core Web Vitals with DebugBear

DebugBear takes just a few seconds to start using. You literally point it at a URL you want to watch, and it’ll start watching it. You install nothing. It’ll start running tests, and you’ve immediately got performance charts you can … The post Monitoring Lighthouse Scores...

Inspirational Websites Roundup #26

Get updated on the latest trends in web design with this new collection of super creative websites. The post Inspirational Websites Roundup #26 appeared first on Codrops

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