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I’ll sometimes search the web for something like “Small Text Generator” knowing there will be some website that will turn some dumb thing I want to type like: Uhm hi when is that meeting again? into something fun like… ᵁʰᵐ ʰᶦ ʷʰᵉⁿ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵉᵉᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵃᵍᵃᶦⁿˀ Important note about...

Striking a Balance Between Native and Custom Select Elements

Here’s the plan! We’re going to build a styled select element. Not just the outside, but the inside too. Total styling control. Plus we’re going to make it accessible. We’re not going to try to replicate everything that the browser does by default with a native <select> element. We’re going...

Learn Z-Index Using a Visualization Tool

There are some neat interactive demos in here from Thiru Manikandan. There are a couple of very tricky things with z-index that never fail to confuse. In addition to things like requiring positioning and source order, the trickiest are the stacking contexts and parent/child relationships. z-index...

On Adding IDs to Headers

Here’s a two-second review. If an element has an ID, you can link to it with natural browser behavior. It’s great if headings have them, because it’s often useful to link directly to a specific section of content. <h3 id="step-2"Step 2</a Should I be so inclined, I could...

How to Reverse CSS Custom Counters

I needed a numbered list of blog posts to be listed with the last/high first and going down from there. Like this: 5. Post Title 4. Post Title 3. Post Title 2. Post Title 1. Post Title But the above is just text. I wanted to do this with a semantic <ol> element. The easy way This can...

Kotlin Coroutines and Delay

Whenever I suspect that there’s a timing conflict causing a problem with rendering and directives, I usually opt for a JavaScript setTimeout with a delay. The setTimeout code never makes it to production, but it does help me to understand if my code is the problem or if there’s a timing...

CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers

Šime Vidas with the lowdown on what these pseudo-selectors are and why they will be useful: :is() is to reduce repetition¹ of parts of comma-separated selectors. :where() is the same, but nothing inside it affects specificity. The example of wrapping :where(:not()) is really great, as now there...

Cool Little CSS Grid Tricks for Your Blog

I discovered CSS about a decade ago while trying to modify the look of a blog I had created. Pretty soon, I was able to code cool things with more mathematical and, therefore, easier-to-understand features like transforms. However, other areas of CSS, such as layout, have remained a constant source...

The Trickery it Takes to Create eBook-Like Text Columns

There’s some interesting CSS trickery in Jason Pamental’s latest Web Fonts & Typography News. Jason wanted to bring swipeable columns to his digital book experience on mobile. Which brings up an interesting question right away… how do you set full-width columns that...

How to Get All Custom Properties on a Page in JavaScript

We can use JavaScript to get the value of a CSS custom property. Robin wrote up a detailed explanation about this in Get a CSS Custom Property Value with JavaScript. To review, let’s say we’ve declared a single custom property on the HTML element: html {   --color-accent: #00eb9b; } In JavaScript...

Analyzing Notion app performance

Here’s a fantastic case study where Ivan Akulov looks at the rather popular writing app Notion and how the team might improve the performance in a variety of ways; through code splitting, removing unused vendor code, module concatenation, and deferring JavaScript execution. Not so long ago, we made...

A/B Testing Instant.Page With Netlify and Speedcurve

Instant.Page does one special thing to make sites faster: it preloads the next page when it’s pretty sure you’re going to click a link (either by hovering over 65ms or mousedown on desktop, or touchstart on mobile), so when you do complete the click (probably a few hundred milliseconds...

Adding CSS to a Page via HTTP Headers

Only Firefox supports it, but if you return a request with a header like this: Header add Link "<style.css;rel=stylesheet;media=all" …that will link to that stylesheet without you having to do it in the HTML. Louis Lazaris digs into it: […] the only thing I can think of that could...

On fixed elements and backgrounds

After just playing with apsect-ratio and being pleasantly surprised at how intuitive it is, here’s an example of CSS acting unintuitively: If you have a fixed element on your page, which means it doesn’t move when you scroll, you might realise that it no longer acts fixed if you apply a...

Chrome 83 Form Element Styles

There have been some aesthetic changes to what form elements look like as of Chrome 83. Anything with gradient colorization is gone (notably the extra-shiny <meter stuff). The consistency across the board is nice, particularly between inputs and textareas. Not a big fan of the new <select...

A New Way to Delay Keyframes Animations

If you’ve ever wanted to add a pause between each iteration of your CSS @keyframes animation, you’ve probably been frustrated to find there’s no built-in way to do it in CSS. Sure, we can delay the start of a set of @keyframes with animation-delay, but there’s no way to add time between...

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