
Nalezeno "well": 1196

Zimbabwe’s Battle To Control Currency Inadvertently Boosts Bitcoin Profile

Zimbabwe’s deteriorating economic situation is forcing authorities to sign off on some desperate and controversial decisions. Some of such decisions include the abrupt suspension mobile money as well as the recent designation of Zimswitch as a national payment switch. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe...

Bitcoin Bull Mike Novogratz Says to Hold More Gold Than Bitcoin

The billionaire investor Michael Novogratz recently detailed in an interview that he thinks global investors should hold more gold in their portfolios and own less bitcoin. Novogratz’s statements follow his recent advice last month when he said investors should “watch gold...

Automatically Rebase GitHub Pull Requests

Working on an open source project with a thriving contribution community is one of the great joys I have at Mozilla. In leading this charge, I get to meet amazing people of all different skill sets and interests, as well as different points of view. In the end I receive hundreds of pull requests...

Displaying the Current Step with CSS Counters

Say you have five buttons. Each button is a step. If you click on the fourth button, you’re on step 4 of 5, and you want to display that. This kind of counting and displaying could be hard-coded, but that’s no fun. JavaScript could do this job as well. But CSS? Hmmmm. Can it? CSS...

WooCommerce on CSS-Tricks

I always get all excited when I accomplish something, but I get extra excited when I get it done and think, “well, that was easy.” As much as I enjoy fiddling with technology, I enjoy reaping the benefit of well set-up technology even more. That’s why I still get so excited about...

Building Serverless GraphQL API in Node with Express and Netlify

I’ve always wanted to build an API, but was scared away by just how complicated things looked. I’d read a lot of tutorials that start with “first, install this library and this library and this library” without explaining why that was important. I’m kind of a Luddite when it comes to these...

Get Worldwide Postal Code Data with Zip Code API (Sponsored)

Accurate shipping and location information is well worth the price you need to pay for it. You can sell that information, you can target consumers to perfection, and save yourself loads of frustration when it comes to shipping. Creating your own location API isn’t worth the time — there...

The Thirteenth Fourth

Well boy howdy. The 13th birthday of CSS-Tricks has rolled around. A proper teenager now, howabouthat? I always take the opportunity to do a bit of a state of the union address at this time, so let’s get to it! Design Technically, we’re still on v17 of the site design. This was...

When a Line Doesn’t Break

We expect a line to break when the text on that line reaches the parent box boundaries. We see this every time we create a paragraph, just like this one. When the parent box doesn’t have enough room for the next word in a line, it breaks it and moves down to the next line and repeats that...

Responsive Styling Using Attribute Selectors

One of the challenges we face when implementing class-based atomic styling is that it often depends on a specific breakpoint for context. <div class="span-12"</div<!-- we want this for small screens  --<div class="span-6"</div<!-- we want this for medium screens --<div...

Book: The Greatest CSS Tricks Vol. I

Ya know, for a site called “CSS-Tricks” that I’ve run for well over a decade, it’s a little funny we’ve never done a book under that name. I’ve written a book about WordPress and SVG, but never CSS! Well, allow me to change that. I’ve been working on...

Line-Animated Hamburger Menu

This kind of SVG + CSS animation trickery is catnip to me. Mikael Ainalem shares how to draw a hamburger icon (the “three lines” thing you’re well familiar with), but then animate it in a way that is surprising and fun by controlling the SVG properties in CSS. CodePen Embed...

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