
Nalezeno "moře": 9193

Container-Adapting Tabs With “More” Button

Or the priority navigation pattern, or progressively collapsing navigation menu. We can name it in at least three ways. There are multiple UX solutions for tabs and menus and each of them have their own advantages over another, you just need to pick the best for the case you are trying to solve....

Radial Gradient Recipes

Radial gradients are pretty dang cool. It's amazing we can paint the background of an element with them so easily. Easily is a relative term though. It's certainly easier than needing to create a graphic in third-party software to use as the background, and the syntax is highly learnable. But it's...

JAMstack Comments

JAMstack sites are often seen as being static. A more accurate mental model for them would be that they are sites which have the ability to be hosted statically. The difference might seem semantic, but thanks to the rise of many tools and services which simplify running a build and deploying...

Server-Side Visualization With Nightmare

This is an extract from chapter 11 of Ashley Davis’s book Data Wrangling with JavaScript now available on the Manning Early Access Program. I absolutely love this idea as there is so much data visualization stuff on the web that relies on fully functioning client side JavaScript and potentially...

Choosing a Responsive Email Framework: MJML vs. Foundation for Emails

Implementing responsive email design can be a bit of a drag. Building responsive emails isn’t simple at all, it is like taking a time machine back to 2001 when we were all coding website layouts in tables using Dreamweaver and Fireworks. But there's hope! We have tools available that can make...

VuePress Static Site Generator

VuePress is a new tool from Vue creator Evan You that spins up Vue projects that are more on the side of websites based on content and markup than progressive web applications and does it with a few strokes of the command line. We talk a lot about Vue around here, from a five-part series on getting...

Script & Style Show: Episode 6: Debugging with Jason Laster

On this week’s episode: we welcome my colleague Jason Laster from Mozilla to speak about the Firefox DevTools debugger. We talk debugging, console shame, the future of JavaScript debuggers, and more! Have ideas for the next episode? Comment below! The post Script & Style Show: Episode...

Neuvěřitelný manévr: piloti šťouchali nacistické rakety do moře křídlem

Nacisté během ostřelování Londýna vypálili tisíce „robotických letadel“, dnes bychom řekli řízených střel. Ne všechny však zasáhly cíl. Některé skončily v moři díky odvaze a dovednosti britských letců, kteří se střelám vydali naproti ve vrtulových stíhačkách. Podívejte se na málo známý manévr druhé...

Script & Style Show: Episode 4: Tooling

On this week’s episode:  David starts the show by revealing he has a headache and an hour of discussing JavaScript tooling will not make it better.  The show covers the history of JavaScript tooling (from nothing to JavaScript loaders, minifiers, webpack, and more), the pitfalls of popular...

Čína si podmaňuje vodní říši: Robotický boj o Jihočínské moře

Čína investuje do vývoje autonomních podvodních dronů AUV. Může za to rostoucí ekonomický a vojenský význam Jihočínského a Východočínského moře. Většina čínských AUV má vědecké poslání, ale výsledky oceánografických výzkumů lze využít i ke zlepšení vojenské navigace a kalibraci sonaru bojových lodí...

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