
Nalezeno "Site": 1094

Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons!

Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons Let’s have a look at how we can create a row of links that sorta run into each other with a chevron-like shape and notch on each block like you might see in a hierarchical breadcrumb navigation. You’ve probably seen this pattern a lot....

[aktualita] Huawei pomůže Británii s budováním 5G sítě, navzdory obavám

Britská premiérka Theresa Mayová podepsala dohodu o tom, že čínskému hegemonu v oblasti telekomunikační infrastruktury povoluje budovat nekritické části 5G infrastruktury země, upozornil na to britský deník The Telegraph. Huawei bude moci v Británii stavět tzv. „non-core“ části sítě, sem spadají...

Who Are Design Systems For?

Specific design systems, I mean. Design systems, as a concept, are something just about any site can benefit from. A lot of hype goes into design systems these days. Just the other day, an organization's published their design system publicly and I got a slew of DMs, emails, and Slack messages...

Netlify Functions for Sending Emails

Let's say you're rocking a JAMstack-style site (no server-side languages in use), but you want to do something rather dynamic like send an email. Not a problem! That's the whole point of JAMstack. It's not just static hosting. It's that plus doing anything else you wanna do through JavaScript...

Add Authentication and Personalization to VuePress

There are several advantages to using a static site generator such as VuePress. With VuePress, you can focus on writing content using markdown, and the VuePress application generates static HTML fi

[aktualita] Digital Broadcasting spustila další vysílač Přechodové sítě 13

Provozovatel Přechodové sítě 13, společnost Digital Broadcasting, oznámila spuštění dalšího vysílače DVB-T2.  Signál je šířen z Adamova na 56. kanále s horizontální polarizací. Výkon vysílače je 5 W. Podle webových stránek firmy dosahuje Přechodová síť 13 pokrytí 94,1 % obyvatel. Autor: Digital...

Příručka marketéra: 8 kroků obsahové strategie pro Facebook

Chcete na Facebooku strategicky budovat značku a podporovat své byznysové cíle? Přestaňte postovat náhodné příspěvky a sestavte si obsahovou strategii podle 8krokového návodu Modrého ducha. 1. Stanovte cíle pro svůj Facebook Prvním důležitým úkolem je stanovit cíl, který chcete svými aktivitami...

Decaying Sites

Websites have a tendency to decay all by themselves. Link rot, they call it. Unpaid domain name registrations. Companies that have gone out of business. Site owners that have lost interest. What's sadder than a 404? Landing on a holding page of a URL that used to exist, but now has fallen into...

Instagram přebírají hackeři. Kdo chce svůj ukradený profil zpět, má smůlu

Z Instagramu se stalo nebezpečné místo – jeho uživatelé ve velkém ztrácejí přístup ke svým účtům. A už je nikdy nezískají zpátky. Své profily už ztratily i stovky Čechů, včetně například Lucie Vondráčkové, fotografky Markéty Novákové, Mii Gebauer, Alice Bendové nebo bývalé Miss Andrey...

Building a Custom Sitemap for Your Gatsby.js Site

Building static sites with React.js using Gatsby.js seem to be more and more a topic of debate when you require an easy to deploy setup, blazing fast speed and smooth developer experience. Gatsby h

Who has the fastest website in F1?

Jake Archibald looks at the websites of Formula One race teams and rates their performance, carefully examining their images and digging into the waterfall of assets for each site: Trying to use a site while on poor connectivity is massively frustrating, so anything sites can do to make it less...

Yet Another JavaScript Framework

On March 6, 2018, a new bug was added to the official Mozilla Firefox browser bug tracker. A developer had noticed an issue with Mozilla's nightly build. The report noted that a 14-day weather forecast widget typically featured on a German website had all of a sudden broken and disappeared. Nothing...

Free Programming Courses from Harvard, MIT, Microsoft and more (Sponsored)

Did you know that you can learn programming online from institutions like Harvard, MIT and Microsoft on The nonprofit site offers 2000 online courses from 140 institutions worldwide. Courses are free to try. EdX has over 200 courses from Microsoft alone, including an 11 course program...

5G sítě v Rakousku postaví Nokia

Stěžejní rakouská telekomunikační skupina A1 zvolila za svého partnera pro budování mobilních sítí příští generace 5G v Rakousku finského dodavatele Nokia, s nímž ji pojí dlouhodobá spolupráce. Vyplývá to z prohlášení rakouské společnosti. Skupina A1, která je v rukou mexické firmy América Móvil...

What's New with Netlify - March 2019

Netlify is one of my favorite companies out there, and they provide an incredibly amount of static site hosting features, many of which are free. They continue to grow and gain popularity, and they

It’s pretty cool how Netlify CMS works with any flat file site generator

Little confession here: when I first saw Netlify CMS at a glance, I thought: cool, maybe I'll try that someday when I'm exploring CMSs for a new project. Then as I looked at it with fresh eyes: I can already use this! It's a true CMS in that it adds a content management UI on top of any static site...

Adding Search to Your Site with JavaScript

Static website generators like Gatsby and Jekyll are popular because they allow the creation of complex, templated pages that can be hosted anywhere. But the awesome simplicity of website generators is also limiting. Search is particularly hard. How do you allow users to search when you have...

Using Local with Flywheel

Have you seen Local by Flywheel? It's a native app for helping set up local WordPress developer environments. I absolutely love it and use it to do all my local WordPress development work. It brings a lovingly designed GUI to highly technical tasks in a way that I think works very well. Plus...

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