Smartphone Giant Samsung Confirms That It Will Make More Blockchain Compatible Phones
There was a time when Samsung used to be the biggest smartphone brand in the world, with a stranglehold over some of the most important smartphone markets. However, that is no longer the case, and the company’s smartphone sales have tanked dramatically over the past few years. For instance, at...
Walmart Takes on Amazon; Executes One Day Free Shipping in Some Areas in US
Two mega-corporations who have been involved in a tremendous feud for the better part of two decades are Amazon and Walmart. When Amazon was established, Walmart was already a behemoth yet, slowly but surely the former posed a threat that soon became an alarming one for the latter and ever since...
Automotive Supplying Giant Bosch Decides to Go For Platinum Light Fuel Cells
As everyone knows, traditional vehicles which use fuel cells propelled by metals are often held responsible for the pollution that is spread in the environment and over the years, there have been numerous calls for cells to have a lower metal content. However, nothing much came to pass over...
Amazon Unveils Machines That Could Replace Packaging Employees
For the last few years, Amazon has often threatened to usher in a technology that could save the company millions by reducing the number of jobs that involve repetitive work, and it seems that the company has finally found a solution. In an exclusive report by Reuters, it has emerged that...
Blockchain the Next Frontier for Indian Company Arvind Fashions As it Tries Personalization
Meta- Indian clothing retail chain giant signs deal with Blockchain firm Nucleus Vision for a pilot project aimed at personalizing the customer’s experience at its stores. For as long as anyone can remember, Blockchain technology has been primarily associated with cryptocurrencies, but as many tech...
Singapore’s Investment Firm Marvelstone Group Stays Silent About Its Progress
Singapore has been a thriving financial hub for decades now and needless to say, the country has seen the establishment of a fair share of investment funds in the process as well. One of those is ‘Marvelstone Group’ which is purportedly involved in investment in the financial technology space...
European Union’s Copyright Directive Proves To Be A New Threat For Youtube
Alphabet Inc, which owns Google and YouTube among other internet properties, has been in the crosshairs of the regulatory authorities in the European Union (EU) for quite a while and earlier this year, the company had to pay the EU billions in fines for abusing its position as a dominant player....
India’s Anti-Trust Regulator Order Probe on Google Over Android Abuse
Google has been beleaguered with anti-trust issues for more than half a decade in Europe, and it has now emerged, that the same troubles are going to bog the company down in India, one of its biggest markets. The entire issue revolves around the Android operating system that is used in mobile...
US Objects to Huawei Lawyer’s Conflict of Interest
The trouble between the United States and Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies Limited has been one of the biggest stories of the year. The US authorities accused that the products supplied by the world’s leading telecom equipment maker are used for spying purposed by the Chinese state...
Tariff On Chinese Goods About To Hike
The U.S meeting with the Chinese negotiators has concluded on Thursday after two days of talks on how to rescue a trade deal which is almost collapsed due to the U.S plans of tariff hikes on goods imported from China. The tension between the two countries started after China failed in the last week...
U.S. Stock Futures Fall After Trump Hikes Tariffs
Trump who had tweeted on Sunday about a possible hike in tariffs on Chinese products worth $250 billion has carried out his threat. It has not only increased the tension between the two countries but also impacted the global economy. Though the shares in Asia held on, the U.S. stock futures fell...
China Can Retaliate Tariff Hikes With Its Market Weapons
The US-China trade war has impacted not only the world’s two largest economies but also the global economy. The situation which till last week was looking towards an amicable resolution has taken a turn for the worse with Trump administration imposing tariff hikes on $250 billion of Chinese goods....
Ford Motor To Invest $11 Billion In EV
Ford which was among the leading automakers in the world has of late faced many challenges due to which it had to make the biggest transformation since its inception about a century ago. The focus of the company right now has shifted from passenger vehicles to electric vehicles and self-driving...
Uber Sets $82 billion As Floating Price of the Company
Uber, the ride-hailing company has valued its initial public offering at the New York Stock Exchange at $82.4 billion which is the lower end of the target range. The company is hoping to not make the same mistake as its competitor Lyft which had priced its shares at $72 for a share, but its price...
Amazon Launches Blue Moon Lander
Chairman of Amazon and the founder of Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos unveiled the company’s blue moon lander on Thursday. Bezos during the launch said that the vehicle going to the moon will be unmanned and reusable. It will be used to carry instruments needed for research, rovers, and satellites....
Renewed Market Growth Has Sparked Demand for Crypto-Backed Loans
With cryptocurrency markets back to life, hodling sounds like a smart strategy once again. Cryptocurrency owners are now more likely to pledge coins to borrow fiat if they need it, rather than sell their appreciating digital assets. The spread of crypto-backed loans could also be a good indicator...
Twisto od zahraničních investorů získalo 360 milionů korun, svůj podíl prodal Čupr i Partners
Dva miliony zákazníků ve střední a východní Evropě do pěti let, kteří každodenní platby řeší Twistem. K naplnění tohoto plánu pomůže české platební aplikaci Twisto 11,5 milionu eur od nových i stávajících investorů. V rámci investičního kola Series B se hlavním investorem stává...
Jak PSD2 usnadní život firmám: Finance budou řešit přímo z ERP a fakturačních systémů
Většina lidí by ráda obsluhovala své bankovní účty z jednoho místa. Díky evropské směrnici o platebních službách PSD2 by se brzy mohlo jednat o realitu. Některé tuzemské banky již služby takzvaného otevřeného bankovnictví umožňují, nejpozději od září by měly svá API rozhraní zpřístupnit vývojářům...
Na internetu Češi kupují hlavně oblečení či shánějí ubytování
Každý druhý Čech v loňském roce nakupoval na internetu. Lidé utráceli především za oblečení a obuv, ale i za ubytování či vstupenky na kulturní akce. Z aktuálních dat Českého statistického úřadu (ČSÚ) vyplývá, že během tří měsíců Češi v e-shopech za zboží zaplatili většinou částku pohybující se...
DeFi: Seamless Payments with Totle
Decentralized finance (DeFi): The industry of financial services built on the blockchain for the purpose of removing consumers’ dependency on the banking system, enhancing financial security, and expanding consumers’ financial capabilities. DeFi services offer users complete control over their...