
Nalezeno "Text": 14363

Let’s Take a Deep Dive Into the CSS Contain Property

Compared to the past, modern browsers have become really efficient at rendering the tangled web of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code a typical webpage provides. It takes a mere milliseconds to render the code we give it into something people can use. What could we, as front-end developers, do...

Jak rychle překopírovat psaný text do počítače? Pomůže Google Lens

Google Lens je šikovná služba, která pomůže s rozpoznáváním věcí okolo nás. Zvládne nejen knihy či nápisy, ale i květiny a známá místa. Nyní se naučila rozpoznat i ručně psaný text a dokonce jej poslat na počítač. Samotné rozpoznávání textu není pro Google Lens až takovou novinko, zvládne

I’m getting back to making videos

It’s probably one part coronavirus, one part new-fancy-video setup, and one part “hey this is good for CodePen too,” but I’ve been doing more videos lately. It’s nice to be back in the swing of that for a minute. There’s something fun about coming back to an...

Exciting Things on the Horizon For CSS Layout

Michelle Barker notes that it’s been a heck of a week for us CSS layout nerds. Firefox has long had the best DevTools for CSS Grid, but Chrome is about to catch up and go one bit better by visualizing grid line numbers and names. Firefox supports gap for display: flex, which is great,...

Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS

The accessibility trick is using <input type="range"> and wrestling it into shape with CSS rather than giving up and re-building it with divs or whatever and later forget about accessibility. The most clever example uses an angled linear-gradient background making the input look like...

Working With MDX Custom Elements and Shortcodes

MDX is a killer feature for things like blogs, slide decks and component documentation. It allows you to write Markdown without worrying about HTML elements, their formatting and placement while sprinkling in the magic of custom React components when necessary. Let’s harness that magic and look...

[aktualita] Průměrná denní sledovanost CNN Prima News je 0,6 %

Televize Prima na dotaz poskytla první celodenní výsledky sledovanosti zpravodajského kanálu CNN Prima News. „Od spuštění 3. května má CNN Prima News průměrný celodenní share 0,61 % a prime time share 0,69 % v cílové skupině 15+,“ uvedla za Primu ředitelka korporátní komunikace Gabriela...

Static Hoisting

The other day in “Static or not?” I said: […] serving HTML from a CDN is some feat. What I meant is that serving resources like images, CSS, and JavaScript from a CDN is fairly straightforward. The industry at large has been doing that for many years. An asset with a URL can...

How to Use Block Variations in WordPress

WordPress 5.4 was released not so long ago and, along with other improvements and bug fixes, it introduced a feature called Block Variations. I had a chance to use it on one of my recent projects and am so pleasantly surprised with how smart this feature is. I actually think it hasn’t received...

How to Create Custom WordPress Editor Blocks in 2020

Peter Tasker on creating blocks right now: It’s fairly straightforward these days to get set up with the WP CLI ‘scaffold’ command. This command will set up a WordPress theme or plugin with a ‘blocks’ folder that contains the PHP and base CSS and JavaScript required to create...

[aktualita] Do Česka míří nová modulární elektrokoloběžka od Boltu

Do České republiky míří nová modulární koloběžka od firmy Bolt. Společenost zatím odmítá prozradit, kde konkrétně se poprvé objeví. Projekt byl vyvinut na základě zakázky interního estonského týmu a koloběžka má být navržena tak, aby díky modularitě umožňovala velmi snadné opravy. Společnost nové...

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